Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The International division of production and trade led to the emergence of global chains of value creation (GVCs). The concept GVCs introduced into scientific circulation in the early 2000s. In the contemporary world economy and international economic relations GTSS ТАК? are the dominant element of production, trade and investment. Participation in GVCs, in general, carries significant benefits for international production, trade, economic growth and innovative development. For many states, the question is not whether to participate in GVCs, but how to do it. Thanks GVCs in developing States and countries with economies in transition there is an opportunity to integrate into the world economy with significantly lower costs. The passive policy of the state regarding to the participation in GVCs may lead to stagnation of the national economy

global chain of added value, global economy, international economic relations, trade liberalization, economic growth, integration into the world economy, transnational corporations.

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