Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The ecosystem of digital development of a financial enterprise is a strategically important scientific and methodological task. World practice shows that ecosystems are the strategic future of the economy that are able to transform traditional business. Seven of the ten largest global companies are ecosystem companies. In the medium term, ecosystems will account for a significant part of the national and global gross product. The global ecosystem trend is also developing in Russia. Under these conditions, large systemically important banks, e.g., the Sberbank, have to face new challenges. The article describes the role of the ecosystem strategy with its technological capabilities and risks in the paradigm of the digital economy in the case of the Sberbank. It introduces a new algorithm that can be applied to test the trends, opportunities, and limitations of the ecosystem and digital transformation of a financial organization. The analysis relied on the strategy theory and strategizing methodology developed by V.L. Kvint. Keywords: ecosystem, digital transformation, strategic trends, digital development, OTSW-analysis, strategizing, financial organization

ecosystem, digital transformation, strategic trends, digital development, OTSW-analysis, strategizing, financial organization
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