Обложка журнала
Journal title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2782-2435 (print) 2782-2621 (online)
Periodicity (English)

Published 4 times per year.

Russian science citation index:
Yes 77131

Before submission, please check your manuscript for validity, readability, concise presentation, and formatting. Make sure your conclusions are well-grounded and the research materials are novel.

Proofread your manuscript: although all submitted articles undergo thorough editing, the Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet the formatting requirements.

The article body should be 10 – 12 pages (including the abstract, figures, and tables) in MS Word, i.e. 40,000 characters with spaces. A review article has an unlimited wordage.

Generate separate files for tables and figures.

Format instructions:

  • 20 mm margins;
  • single line spacing without automatic hyphenation;
  • no extra interspaces between words or gaps between paragraphs;
  • Times New Roman, size 12;
  • ≤ 3 figures, ≤ 4 tables (Times New Roman, size 12)

Structure: Each article sent to the Journal should be structured as described below:

0. In the upper right corner, state the type of manuscript: research paper, review, scientific report, news item, informational or publication, etc.

1. In the upper left corner, type in the Universal Decimal Classification of your research or JEL classification.

 2. Title (<10 words>) in Russian, English, it should be informative and reflect the main results of the research. Please avoid abbreviations. Only the first letter is capitalized, the rest of the words are lowercase, except for proper names and titles.

3. Initials and last names of the authors, separated by commas. Spelling should coincide with ORCID ID. Mind that all authors should have an ORCID profile. Please mark the name of the author responsible for correspondence with an asterisk (*) and give their e-mail address.

4. Affiliations: formal name of the institution, city, and postal address with postal code. The names and locations of institutions or companies should be given for all authors. If several institutions are listed on a manuscript, it should be clearly indicated with which department and institution each author is affiliated by using corresponding superscript numbers.

5. Abstract (200 – 250 words): it cannot exceed 2,000 characters with spaces. The abstract should be original and reflect the main results and novelty of the article. The best way to structure your abstract is to let it follow the structure of the article itself: introduction, study objects and methods, results, and conclusions. Concentrate mainly on the results: mention the main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered interconnections, and regularities. Give preference to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, practical importance, and conclusions; avoid meaningless introductory phrases and vague, general statements. Make sure your abstract contains keywords. Do not paragraph your abstract. Numerals are transmitted in numbers unless the sentence starts with one. You are free to use generally accepted abbreviations: the first time you use an abbreviation in the text, present both the spelled-out version and the short form in parenthesis after it. If there are many abbreviations, make a glossary at the end of the article.

6. Keywords (≤10) in Russian, English: keywords that identify the subject of the manuscript and facilitate computer-based search. Use Thesaurus.com, CABThesaurus, Multitran.com, if necessary. 

7. Funding: indicate how the research and the publication of this article were funded. If the study was performed with the support of a grant, specify the number of the grant and its title. State the name of your employer if the study was performed as part of your routine work and did not receive additional funding. The funding section is optional: feel free to omit it if your research had no financial support.

8. The body of your article should include the following sections:

8.1. Introduction (1/5 of the text): this part states the problem, describes goals and objectives, gives a brief review of the international publications related to the matter, and proves its relevance. In-text references should be given in square brackets and numbered [beginning with №1] in order of their appearance in the text. Make sure your introduction reflects the objectives of your research.

8.2. Study objects and methods (1/5 of the text)

8.3. Results and discussion (3/5 of the text, including the Conclusion): this section should provide a concise description of experimental data. Rather than repeating the data of tables and graphs, the text should seek to reveal the principles detected. It is recommended to use the past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results; as a rule, this section interprets the research results, checks their correspondence to the hypothesis, generalizes the data, contains proposals for practical application, outlines future research, etc.

8.4. Conclusion: briefly summarize the main results of your research. Naturally, the conclusion should contain the answer to the question posed by the introduction.

9. Authorship and Contribution: specify the contribution of each author of your manuscript. 

10. Conflicts of interests: this section indicates a real or potential conflict of interests. If there is no conflict of interests, you should write that “the author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this article”.

11. Acknowledgements: this section is optional and contains an expression of gratitude to those who contributed to the research.

12. References:

References should be listed and numbered in order of their appearance in the article. Use a number in square brackets when citing references in the text.

It is not recommended to use more than 3 references to web resources.

Please avoid citing publications that are more than 10 years old.

Please make sure that at least 80% of the works you cite are less than 5 years old; 50% of the referenced sources should be published in periodicals registered in Scopus, Web of Science, etc. You might want to consult the list of leading periodicals on «Strategy and management». Indicate DOI, if available.

Self-citation should be well-justified and cannot exceed 10% of the references.

Unpublished works, textbooks, and conference proceedings are not referenced.

Zero references to foreign authors or very recent sources (2-3 years old) reduce your chances. Make sure that your reference list reflects the real contribution of domestic and foreign scientists to the problem you write about.

The Russian reference list follows State Standard  P 7.0.5-2008  «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling».

Use Vancouver style for Non-Russian sources (consult EndNote or Mendeley). Multiple authors are listed separated by commas, unless there are more than six authors, in which case mention the first six authors, then add “et al.”  Only the first letter of the first word in the title is capitalized. Capitalize any proper nouns and certain other types of words but use lowercase for everything else. Do not abbreviate the titles of journals. Start the imprint with the publication year, then give the number of the volume after a semicolon without spaces. After that, specify the issue number in parenthesis, put a colon, and give page numbers. DOI reference comes last, if available.

For Russian-language sources, use automatic transliteration systems and translators: to translate the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin, use free transliteration programs (http://www.translitteration.com, http://www.law.net.ru/translit, etc.) that follow the Board of Geographic Names (BGN) system.

Formulas and Figures: Formulas and illustrative material are part of the body of the article.

Mathematical equations should be typed in the Equation (Math Type) formula editor or in MS Word as a whole unit. Use default font settings, no manual changes of symbols or elements are allowed.

Tables: Tables are created in Word (Table – Add Table) or MS Excel, placed in the text of the manuscript or in the appendix, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text in Arabic numerals.

Each table (≥ three columns) must have a number and a heading in Russian and English. All columns must have titles and be separated by vertical lines. Do not use abbreviations.

Figures: Figures and diagrams, preferably colored, should be made in Microsoft Office or Corel Draw. Please make sure the figures can be improved by the editors if necessary. E-mail each separately as a tiff, jpeg, cdr, or excel file.

Number them in the order of appearance in Arabic numerals and give captions about the source of the illustrative material in Russian and English.

The Editorial Board of the Strategizing: Theory and Practice is guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:

Provisions developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);

The Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit;

A decree issued by the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

1. Editorial Board

The editorial policy of the Journal is based on respect for the copyright.

The Editorial Board ensures independent and conscientious consideration of all submitted manuscripts, without prejudice to the ethnic, religious, or social status of their Authors and regardless of any commercial interests and relations with the Publisher.

The Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection for compliance with the registration requirements and the review results. The Editorial Board shall inform the author about the decision and explain it.

The Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet formatting requirements or contains evidence of slander, plagiarism, or copyright infringement. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the Chief Editor and is fair and unprejudiced.

All manuscripts are checked for unauthorized borrowings from open sources, i.e.plagiatrism, via www.antiplagiat.ru. Should multiple unauthorized borrowings be detected, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm.

The Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality, which means that the submitted manuscript cannot be demonstrated to anyone other than the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher.

The Editorial Board ensures that the materials of the rejected manuscript will not be used in the board members’ own research without the written consent of the author.

The Editorial Board shall promptly examine each complaint about any possible unethical behavior of the Authors of submitted and published articles and undertake appropriate measures. Should the unethical behavior be proved, the Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish the article, cease further cooperation with the author, publish a retraction, or take other necessary measures to further curb the unethical behavior of the author in question.

Should an error be detected, amendments can be provided as soon as possible. When the online version of the article is corrected, it is provided with the correction date and a reference to the errata published.

2. Editors

The Editors are responsible for the publishing decisions to the authors, reviewers, readers, scientific community, the founder, and the publisher. They shall make objective decisions regardless of commercial considerations and ensure an honest and efficient peer review.

The Editors promise not to disclose information about the manuscript prior to publication.

The Editors do not work with manuscripts they have a conflict of interests about.

The Editors shall make every effort to resolve any conflict situation, should one arise.

The Editors publish corrections, refutations, and reviews of articles, if necessary.

They cannot publish the final version of the manuscript without authors’ consent.

3. Reviewers

The Editorial Board guarantees a confidential, independent, honest, and objective review of all manuscripts. The Editorial Board has the right to reject a manuscript before the review stage, if it has been found to be of poor quality or does not meet the requirements of the Journal. This decision is made fairly and impartially.

The Chief Editor appoints acknowledged academic specialists in the specific sphere with no conflict of interests.  The expert evaluation of the manuscript promotes the adoption of editorial decisions and also helps the author improve the manuscript.

Based on the review, the editorial board makes a decision to accept the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision, or reject it.

The Reviewers shall provide a review within the time specified by the editors or notify the editor if the deadline is impossible.

The Reviewers shall provide an objective peer review. Any personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable. All the conclusions should be well-grounded and provided with links to authoritative sources.

Should the Reviewer detect that the manuscript was based on other studies which the author failed to mention in the references, the Reviewer shall inform the Editor about it. Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editor about any resemblance or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and other previously published researchers.

The Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the written consent of the author.

The Reviewers cannot examine the manuscript if they find themselves unqualified or biased, or in case a conflict of interests arises because of competitive, cooperative, or other relationship with the author or organization related to the research.

If the Reviewer raises the issue of the accuracy of the data or the advisability of publication, the Author is given an opportunity to respond.

Independent peer Reviewers are informed about the requirements or any changes in the editorial policy.

The Editors do not reveal any personal data concerning the Reviewers.

4. Authors

The Authors shall guarantee that the submitted manuscript contains authentic results that have never been published and are not being reviewed by other journals.

The Authors must disclose any conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript.

If the materials are available on the Internet, the Authors are obliged to notify the Editors and provide a link to the preprint.

The Authors ensure that the list of authors includes only those individuals who have made significant contributions to the work, and that no researcher deserving authorship has been excluded from the list of authors.

The Authors guarantee that the manuscript they submit meets the formatting requirements, including those for the illustrative material.

The Authors are required to refer to other studies as correctly and accurately as possible by specifying the original source in the references. A word-to-word citation or periphrasis of the Author’s own publications is unacceptable: they can only be used as a basis for the new findings.

The Authors cannot copy references from other publications if they are not familiar with the original source. Quotes and references must be accurate and formatted in accordance with the requirements.

The Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection. Materials protected by copyright, e.g. tables, figures, or large citations, may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for communication with the editors, guarantees that all requirements of the Journal are met, promptly answers any questions, and provides the necessary information. The Corresponding Author cannot make decisions alone.

The Corresponding Author shall guarantee that all the co-Authors have seen the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission for publication.

The sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.) are to be indicated in the manuscript.

The Authors are required to immediately notify the Editor in the event of an error in any work filed by them for publication, accepted for publication, or already published, and contribute to its correction. Should the Editor be informed about an error by third parties, the Authors are to promptly correct the error or justify it.

Any change in the team must be confirmed by the written consent of all authors.

The Authors agree that their article will be sent for blind review and undertake to cooperate with the editors to improve, shorten, or supplement their article in accordance with the review, as well as to correct the indicated inaccuracies.

5. Publisher

The Publisher supports scientific communication, invests in the publication, and adheres to all current publishing guidelines.

The Publisher has no influence on the Editorial Policy of the Journal.

The Publisher provides legal support to the Editorial Board, if necessary.

The Publisher is responsible for the timely release of the issues.

The Publisher publishes edits and clarifications, as well as retracts articles that violate scientific ethics or contain critical errors.


6. Retraction

Retraction of a published article is considered to be the last resort in case previously unknown facts were revealed after the review stage. In this case, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm and the Decree issued by the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

Retraction can be initiated by Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors, or Publisher by appealing to the editorial board.

The Editors start the retraction procedure if:

• there is clear evidence that the published information is unreliable, either as a result of deliberate actions, e.g., data falsification, or accidents, e.g. faulty calculations or experiments);

• a duplicate publication is about to occur, i.e. the findings have been previously published, and there is no proper reference or authorization for re-publication;

• the article is plagiarized;

• the article describes unethical research.

The main purpose of the retraction is to correct the published information and ensure its integrity, not to punish the Authors who committed violations.

Retraction procedure:

Retraction can be initiated by Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors and Publishers by an appeal to the Editorial Board.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution considers the appeal.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution confirms the retraction of the published article if they find sufficient facts in favor of the retraction.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution notifies the initiator about the results.

The Journal publishes a note of retraction indicating the metadata of the article in question.

The Editors notify databases about the retraction and its reasons.

7.  Committee on Conflict Resolution

Violation of publication ethics requires a mandatory investigation, be it the fault of Publisher, Editors, Chief Editor, Reviewers, or Authors. This applies to both published articles and unpublished manuscripts. The Editorial Office calls a Committee on Conflict Resolution to resolve issues and complaints related to possible violations of the principles of Editorial Ethics. The chairman and members are appointed by voting from the members of the editorial board. The Committee on Conflict Resolution considers complaints from Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors, and Publisher.

8. Copyright

The Author owns the exclusive rights for the manuscript.

For the manuscript to be published and distributed, the Author transfers exclusive rights to use it to the Publisher by signing the Copyright Agreement, while retaining significant rights for use and distribution.

The Publisher respects and supports the Authors in their aspiration to bring the value of the research to the scientific community.

Under the Copyright Agreement, the Author transfers the copyright to the Publisher but reserves the right to:

• use the article for personal purposes, within their organization and for the purpose of scientific exchange, as long as there is a reference to the published version;

• patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property (including primary research data)

• proper attribution and source of published work.

Under the Copyright Agreement, the Author grants the Publisher the following rights:

• the exclusive right to publish, distribute the article, and grant rights to a third party, including for commercial purposes;

• the right to reproduce the article in any format and media (including digital);

• the right to protect copyrights in the event of their infringement by a third party.

 Copyright protection

The exclusive right to use the article belongs only to the Author or copyright holder (Publisher). Any use without their consent (except for use for scientific, educational, cultural and other purposes stated in Art.1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is a violation of copyright.

The Publisher shall take all necessary measures to protect copyright.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice publishes authentic research articles, reviews, short scientific reports, news, and information summaries related to the topic of strategizing.

Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscript and the accuracy of the information. By submitting your manuscript, you confirm that it is original and previously unpublished in Russian or other languages.

Authors are fully liable in accordance with the current legislation for any violation of intellectual property and copyrights.

You can publish an initial draft of your manuscript on non-commercial and publicly available preprint servers, e.g. bioRxiv, arXiv, or related repositories. Do not forget to inform the Editorial Board before submission and provide a link to the preprint. After your manuscript has been edited according to the review and published in the Journal, you cannot post it on any preprint servers lest it should be regarded as a duplicate publication. When citing your article after publication, please make sure to add an active link to the website of the Journal.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for communication with the editors, guarantees that all requirements of the Journal are met, promptly answers any questions, and provides the necessary information.

The Corresponding Author shall guarantee that all the co-Authors have seen the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission for publication.

Authors guarantee that the manuscript they submit meets the formatting requirements. The Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet the formatting requirements.

If the manuscript meets the profile and the formatting requirements, it is registered by the Editor, who then contacts the Author within 14 days.

All manuscripts are checked for unauthorized borrowings from open sources, i.e. plagiatrism, via www.antiplagiat.ru. Should multiple unauthorized borrowings be detected, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm.

After that, the manuscript goes to the Chief Editor, who assesses its topic, scientific character, reliability, validity, representativeness, completeness, coherence, language, style, and implementation of the research objective. The Chief Editor then appoints two reviewers for a double-blind peer review, which means that the authors do not know the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the authors. Reviewers guarantee objectivity, anonymity, and confidentiality and consider the possibility of a conflict of interests.

The double-blind peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists (doctors, professors) in the specific sphere, who have had recent publications on the related topic.

Each Reviewer uses the following criteria to accept a manuscript for publication: relevance, novelty, and significance; type of the article and its contents; compliance with the subject of the Journal; use of strategizing methodology; clarity of presentation; reliability of the results and the completeness of the conclusions; title, abstract, and references. After that, each Reviewer makes a reasoned conclusion: to recommend the manuscript for publication / to recommend the article after revision / NOT to recommend the manuscript for publication.

If at least one of the Reviewers claims that the article has to undergo a considerable revision, it will be returned to the same Reviewer for the second check-up after it has been improved by the Author. The manuscript can be rejected after two negative reviews. In this case, the Author receives a substantiated refusal or a copy of the review. The Reviewer's name may be reported to the author only if the Reviewer gives consent to it.

Papers accepted for publication are published in priority sequence, according to the acceptance date. In exceptional circumstances, the Editors retain the right to change the publication order.

The content of the issue is approved by the Chief Editor. All manuscripts undergo stylistic and grammatical editing. The layout of the manuscript is sent to the Author for final confirmation.

The journal only publishes the manuscripts recommended by the reviewers.

«Double-blind» peer review.

The reviewer is appointed by the editor-in-chief or the deputy editor. Both the members of the editorial board and highly qualified scientists and specialists from other organizations and enterprises can be invited for reviewing manuscripts.

They have to have profound professional knowledge and experience of work in the specific field of science and be doctors of sciences and professors.

The reviewers are notified about the manuscripts being the authors' private owner rights and not being subject to public disclosure. The reviewers are not allowed to copy the articles for their private needs. Reviewing is performed confidentially. Violation of confidentiality is impossible unless the reviewer declares unreliability or counterfeiting of the article's materials.

The term for the article consideration should not exceed three months from the date of starting the reviewing process.

If the reviewer points out, that improvement is necessary the article is sent to the author for follow-on revision. In this case the return date of the modified article is considered the date of the article submission.

If, on the recommendation of the reviewer, the article underwent a considerable revision by the author, it is again sent to the reviewer who gave the critical remarks. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the articles in case of the author's inability or unwillingness to take into account the editor's recommendations.

In case of two negative manuscript reviews from different experts or one negative review on the article's modified variant it is rejected without considering by other members of the editorial board. After reviewing the possibility of publication is decided upon by the editor-in-chief or, in case of necessity, by the editorial board altogether.

The author of the rejected article is sent a motivated refusal by the official responsible for issuing. The reviewer's name may be reported to the author provided that the former gives consent to it.

Reviews' originals are kept by the editorial board during five years since the publication.

Authors do not have to pay any article processing charge or open access publication fee.

Kvint Vladimir  — Editor-in-Chief
Lomonosov Moscow State University (The Moscow School of Economics, The Chair of Economic and Financial Strategy, Head of chair)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Akaev Askar  — Editorial board member
National Research University Higher School of Economics
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Academic rank Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Akhmetova Irina  — Editorial board member
Kazan State Power Engineering University
doctor of technical sciences
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Bahtizin Al'bert  — Editorial board member
Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( director)
doctor of economic sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bodrunov Sergey  — Editorial board member
S.Yu. Vitte Institute of New Industrial Development ( director)
doctor of economic sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Bystrov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Dar’kin Sergey  — Editorial board member
PAO Tikhookeanskaya Investitsionnaya Gruppa (Pacific Investment Group, PJSC) ( President)
candidate of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kozyrev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Editorial board member
North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra menedzhmenta, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Leukhova Maria  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University
candidate of historical sciences
Academic rank Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Makarov V.  — Editorial board member
Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Research Director)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences ,
candidate of economic sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Nie Yongyou  — Editorial board member
Shanghai University (School of Economics, Dean)
Shanghai, China
Novikova Irina  — Editorial board member
Moscow School of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Economic and Financial Strategy, Professor)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Okrepilov Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Scientific Director)
doctor of economic sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Pahomova Elena Alekseevna  — Editorial board member
Institute for the Development of Territorial Systems of Professsional Teachers’ Training of the Russian State Pedagogical University (Department of Professsional Teachers’ Training, prof.)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Prosekov Alexander  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Rastvortseva Svetlana Nikolaevna  — Editorial board member
National Research University of Economics (Department of World Economy and International Affairs, prof.)
doctor of economic sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sapir Jacques  — Editorial board member
Centre for the Study of Industrialization Pattern (CEMI) - Foundation Robert de Sorbon ( director)
Academic rank Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Paris, France
Ugras Yusuf Joseph  — Editorial board member
La Salle University (College of Professional and Continuing Education, Dean)
doctor of economic sciences
Philadelphia, United States of America
Fadeev Aleksey  — Editorial board member
Luzin Institute for Economic Studies – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
doctor of economic sciences
Apatity, Russian Federation
Khvorostyanaya Anna  — Editorial board member
Lomonosov Moscow State University
candidate of economic sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Scholte Jan Aart  — Editorial board member
Leiden University (Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges)
Leiden, Russian Federation
Kemerovo State University
Kemerovo State University
The certificate of registration of the periodical (print)
ПИ № ФС 77- 80347
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper (print)
The certificate of registration(online)
ЭЛ № ФС 77-80739
Date of registration of the certificate(online)

Strategizing: Theory and Practice is an international biannual peer-reviewed journal founded in 2021.

Our team uses a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of the contributions and publish online and printed original research articles that bring together theory, methodology, and practice in global, national, and regional strategizing.

Our strategic goal is to contribute to the theory, development, and implementation of the most effective national, regional, corporate, and industrial strategies. Our authors analyze the experience of strategic development in cities, regions, and industries. They also study the competitive advantages of various successful enterprises, from industrial giants to small businesses.

We publish authentic research articles, reviews, short scientific reports, news, and information summaries in Russian, English, and Chinese. We appreciate papers that contain strategic analyses of economic processes and advanced domestic and foreign achievements from across the economic and strategic sciences.


 Strategizing: Theory and Practice welcomes submissions from scholars in all relevant fields on:

• national and regional strategies;
• sectoral, industrial, and corporate strategy;
• economic and mathematical methods in strategizing;
• assessment of the social and economic efficiency of particular strategies;
• strategizing of human potential;
• innovative development strategies;
• strategizing in times of crisis;
• strategizing of creative industries.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice is a breakthrough communication platform where scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders of innovation ecosystems can discuss various aspects of strategy, science, and technology policies, thus creating technological, managerial, industrial, cultural, and social innovations.

Our target audience includes strategic leaders, senior and middle managers, scientists, engineers, economists, and practitioners in all industries, as well as specialists in digitalization, robotization, and other innovative transformations that improve the material, intellectual, and emotional quality of human life.

Our Journal is proud to publish research-based on Professor Kvint’s general theory of strategy and strategic methodology. This innovative approach is developed by the Center for Strategic Studies, the Department of Economic and Financial Strategy (Lomonosov State University), and the Department of Regional and Sectoral Development Strategy (Kemerovo State University).

The Journal is financed by the Founder and does not charge for submission, peer review, or publication.

All papers published in the Journal fall under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

We follow the open access policy proclaimed by the Budapest Open Access Initiative to encourage knowledge sharing across the globe. The online version of the Journal is published in open assess, which means that you are free to read, download, copy, forward, print, and make reference to the complete texts provided you mention the author’s name. 

Editorial Office Address: bild. 46, 1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, Russia; office@strategy.msu.ru

Contact for co-operation:
Khvorostyanaya Anna, Ph.D. (Econ.), Leading Researcher of the Center for Strategic Studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University’ Institute of Complex Systems, Associate Professor, Economic and Financial Strategy Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow School of Economics; Khvorostyanayaas@gmail.com

Before submission, please check your manuscript for validity, readability, concise presentation, and formatting. Make sure your conclusions are well-grounded and the research materials are novel.

Proofread your manuscript: although all submitted articles undergo thorough editing, the Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet the formatting requirements.

The article body should be 10 – 12 pages (including the abstract, figures, and tables) in MS Word, i.e. 40,000 characters with spaces. A review article has an unlimited wordage.

Generate separate files for tables and figures.

Format instructions:

  • 20 mm margins;
  • single line spacing without automatic hyphenation;
  • no extra interspaces between words or gaps between paragraphs;
  • Times New Roman, size 12;
  • ≤ 3 figures, ≤ 4 tables (Times New Roman, size 12)

Structure: Each article sent to the Journal should be structured as described below:

0. In the upper right corner, state the type of manuscript: research paper, review, scientific report, news item, informational or publication, etc.

1. In the upper left corner, type in the Universal Decimal Classification of your research or JEL classification.

 2. Title (<10 words>) in Russian, English, it should be informative and reflect the main results of the research. Please avoid abbreviations. Only the first letter is capitalized, the rest of the words are lowercase, except for proper names and titles.

3. Initials and last names of the authors, separated by commas. Spelling should coincide with ORCID ID. Mind that all authors should have an ORCID profile. Please mark the name of the author responsible for correspondence with an asterisk (*) and give their e-mail address.

4. Affiliations: formal name of the institution, city, and postal address with postal code. The names and locations of institutions or companies should be given for all authors. If several institutions are listed on a manuscript, it should be clearly indicated with which department and institution each author is affiliated by using corresponding superscript numbers.

5. Abstract (200 – 250 words): it cannot exceed 2,000 characters with spaces. The abstract should be original and reflect the main results and novelty of the article. The best way to structure your abstract is to let it follow the structure of the article itself: introduction, study objects and methods, results, and conclusions. Concentrate mainly on the results: mention the main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered interconnections, and regularities. Give preference to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, practical importance, and conclusions; avoid meaningless introductory phrases and vague, general statements. Make sure your abstract contains keywords. Do not paragraph your abstract. Numerals are transmitted in numbers unless the sentence starts with one. You are free to use generally accepted abbreviations: the first time you use an abbreviation in the text, present both the spelled-out version and the short form in parenthesis after it. If there are many abbreviations, make a glossary at the end of the article.

6. Keywords (≤10) in Russian, English: keywords that identify the subject of the manuscript and facilitate computer-based search. Use Thesaurus.com, CABThesaurus, Multitran.com, if necessary. 

7. Funding: indicate how the research and the publication of this article were funded. If the study was performed with the support of a grant, specify the number of the grant and its title. State the name of your employer if the study was performed as part of your routine work and did not receive additional funding. The funding section is optional: feel free to omit it if your research had no financial support.

8. The body of your article should include the following sections:

8.1. Introduction (1/5 of the text): this part states the problem, describes goals and objectives, gives a brief review of the international publications related to the matter, and proves its relevance. In-text references should be given in square brackets and numbered [beginning with №1] in order of their appearance in the text. Make sure your introduction reflects the objectives of your research.

8.2. Study objects and methods (1/5 of the text)

8.3. Results and discussion (3/5 of the text, including the Conclusion): this section should provide a concise description of experimental data. Rather than repeating the data of tables and graphs, the text should seek to reveal the principles detected. It is recommended to use the past indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The discussion should not reiterate the results; as a rule, this section interprets the research results, checks their correspondence to the hypothesis, generalizes the data, contains proposals for practical application, outlines future research, etc.

8.4. Conclusion: briefly summarize the main results of your research. Naturally, the conclusion should contain the answer to the question posed by the introduction.

9. Authorship and Contribution: specify the contribution of each author of your manuscript. 

10. Conflicts of interests: this section indicates a real or potential conflict of interests. If there is no conflict of interests, you should write that “the author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this article”.

11. Acknowledgements: this section is optional and contains an expression of gratitude to those who contributed to the research.

12. References:

References should be listed and numbered in order of their appearance in the article. Use a number in square brackets when citing references in the text.

It is not recommended to use more than 3 references to web resources.

Please avoid citing publications that are more than 10 years old.

Please make sure that at least 80% of the works you cite are less than 5 years old; 50% of the referenced sources should be published in periodicals registered in Scopus, Web of Science, etc. You might want to consult the list of leading periodicals on «Strategy and management». Indicate DOI, if available.

Self-citation should be well-justified and cannot exceed 10% of the references.

Unpublished works, textbooks, and conference proceedings are not referenced.

Zero references to foreign authors or very recent sources (2-3 years old) reduce your chances. Make sure that your reference list reflects the real contribution of domestic and foreign scientists to the problem you write about.

The Russian reference list follows State Standard  P 7.0.5-2008  «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling».

Use Vancouver style for Non-Russian sources (consult EndNote or Mendeley). Multiple authors are listed separated by commas, unless there are more than six authors, in which case mention the first six authors, then add “et al.”  Only the first letter of the first word in the title is capitalized. Capitalize any proper nouns and certain other types of words but use lowercase for everything else. Do not abbreviate the titles of journals. Start the imprint with the publication year, then give the number of the volume after a semicolon without spaces. After that, specify the issue number in parenthesis, put a colon, and give page numbers. DOI reference comes last, if available.

For Russian-language sources, use automatic transliteration systems and translators: to translate the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin, use free transliteration programs (http://www.translitteration.com, http://www.law.net.ru/translit, etc.) that follow the Board of Geographic Names (BGN) system.

Formulas and Figures: Formulas and illustrative material are part of the body of the article.

Mathematical equations should be typed in the Equation (Math Type) formula editor or in MS Word as a whole unit. Use default font settings, no manual changes of symbols or elements are allowed.

Tables: Tables are created in Word (Table – Add Table) or MS Excel, placed in the text of the manuscript or in the appendix, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text in Arabic numerals.

Each table (≥ three columns) must have a number and a heading in Russian and English. All columns must have titles and be separated by vertical lines. Do not use abbreviations.

Figures: Figures and diagrams, preferably colored, should be made in Microsoft Office or Corel Draw. Please make sure the figures can be improved by the editors if necessary. E-mail each separately as a tiff, jpeg, cdr, or excel file.

Number them in the order of appearance in Arabic numerals and give captions about the source of the illustrative material in Russian and English.

The Editorial Board of the Strategizing: Theory and Practice is guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:

Provisions developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);

The Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit;

A decree issued by the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

1. Editorial Board

The editorial policy of the Journal is based on respect for the copyright.

The Editorial Board ensures independent and conscientious consideration of all submitted manuscripts, without prejudice to the ethnic, religious, or social status of their Authors and regardless of any commercial interests and relations with the Publisher.

The Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection for compliance with the registration requirements and the review results. The Editorial Board shall inform the author about the decision and explain it.

The Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet formatting requirements or contains evidence of slander, plagiarism, or copyright infringement. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the Chief Editor and is fair and unprejudiced.

All manuscripts are checked for unauthorized borrowings from open sources, i.e.plagiatrism, via www.antiplagiat.ru. Should multiple unauthorized borrowings be detected, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm.

The Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality, which means that the submitted manuscript cannot be demonstrated to anyone other than the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher.

The Editorial Board ensures that the materials of the rejected manuscript will not be used in the board members’ own research without the written consent of the author.

The Editorial Board shall promptly examine each complaint about any possible unethical behavior of the Authors of submitted and published articles and undertake appropriate measures. Should the unethical behavior be proved, the Editorial Board has the right to refuse to publish the article, cease further cooperation with the author, publish a retraction, or take other necessary measures to further curb the unethical behavior of the author in question.

Should an error be detected, amendments can be provided as soon as possible. When the online version of the article is corrected, it is provided with the correction date and a reference to the errata published.

2. Editors

The Editors are responsible for the publishing decisions to the authors, reviewers, readers, scientific community, the founder, and the publisher. They shall make objective decisions regardless of commercial considerations and ensure an honest and efficient peer review.

The Editors promise not to disclose information about the manuscript prior to publication.

The Editors do not work with manuscripts they have a conflict of interests about.

The Editors shall make every effort to resolve any conflict situation, should one arise.

The Editors publish corrections, refutations, and reviews of articles, if necessary.

They cannot publish the final version of the manuscript without authors’ consent.

3. Reviewers

The Editorial Board guarantees a confidential, independent, honest, and objective review of all manuscripts. The Editorial Board has the right to reject a manuscript before the review stage, if it has been found to be of poor quality or does not meet the requirements of the Journal. This decision is made fairly and impartially.

The Chief Editor appoints acknowledged academic specialists in the specific sphere with no conflict of interests.  The expert evaluation of the manuscript promotes the adoption of editorial decisions and also helps the author improve the manuscript.

Based on the review, the editorial board makes a decision to accept the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision, or reject it.

The Reviewers shall provide a review within the time specified by the editors or notify the editor if the deadline is impossible.

The Reviewers shall provide an objective peer review. Any personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable. All the conclusions should be well-grounded and provided with links to authoritative sources.

Should the Reviewer detect that the manuscript was based on other studies which the author failed to mention in the references, the Reviewer shall inform the Editor about it. Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editor about any resemblance or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and other previously published researchers.

The Reviewers have no right to use unpublished manuscript materials in their own research without the written consent of the author.

The Reviewers cannot examine the manuscript if they find themselves unqualified or biased, or in case a conflict of interests arises because of competitive, cooperative, or other relationship with the author or organization related to the research.

If the Reviewer raises the issue of the accuracy of the data or the advisability of publication, the Author is given an opportunity to respond.

Independent peer Reviewers are informed about the requirements or any changes in the editorial policy.

The Editors do not reveal any personal data concerning the Reviewers.

4. Authors

The Authors shall guarantee that the submitted manuscript contains authentic results that have never been published and are not being reviewed by other journals.

The Authors must disclose any conflicts of interests that could affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript.

If the materials are available on the Internet, the Authors are obliged to notify the Editors and provide a link to the preprint.

The Authors ensure that the list of authors includes only those individuals who have made significant contributions to the work, and that no researcher deserving authorship has been excluded from the list of authors.

The Authors guarantee that the manuscript they submit meets the formatting requirements, including those for the illustrative material.

The Authors are required to refer to other studies as correctly and accurately as possible by specifying the original source in the references. A word-to-word citation or periphrasis of the Author’s own publications is unacceptable: they can only be used as a basis for the new findings.

The Authors cannot copy references from other publications if they are not familiar with the original source. Quotes and references must be accurate and formatted in accordance with the requirements.

The Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection. Materials protected by copyright, e.g. tables, figures, or large citations, may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for communication with the editors, guarantees that all requirements of the Journal are met, promptly answers any questions, and provides the necessary information. The Corresponding Author cannot make decisions alone.

The Corresponding Author shall guarantee that all the co-Authors have seen the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission for publication.

The sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.) are to be indicated in the manuscript.

The Authors are required to immediately notify the Editor in the event of an error in any work filed by them for publication, accepted for publication, or already published, and contribute to its correction. Should the Editor be informed about an error by third parties, the Authors are to promptly correct the error or justify it.

Any change in the team must be confirmed by the written consent of all authors.

The Authors agree that their article will be sent for blind review and undertake to cooperate with the editors to improve, shorten, or supplement their article in accordance with the review, as well as to correct the indicated inaccuracies.

5. Publisher

The Publisher supports scientific communication, invests in the publication, and adheres to all current publishing guidelines.

The Publisher has no influence on the Editorial Policy of the Journal.

The Publisher provides legal support to the Editorial Board, if necessary.

The Publisher is responsible for the timely release of the issues.

The Publisher publishes edits and clarifications, as well as retracts articles that violate scientific ethics or contain critical errors.


6. Retraction

Retraction of a published article is considered to be the last resort in case previously unknown facts were revealed after the review stage. In this case, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm and the Decree issued by the Society of Science Editors and Publishers.

Retraction can be initiated by Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors, or Publisher by appealing to the editorial board.

The Editors start the retraction procedure if:

• there is clear evidence that the published information is unreliable, either as a result of deliberate actions, e.g., data falsification, or accidents, e.g. faulty calculations or experiments);

• a duplicate publication is about to occur, i.e. the findings have been previously published, and there is no proper reference or authorization for re-publication;

• the article is plagiarized;

• the article describes unethical research.

The main purpose of the retraction is to correct the published information and ensure its integrity, not to punish the Authors who committed violations.

Retraction procedure:

Retraction can be initiated by Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors and Publishers by an appeal to the Editorial Board.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution considers the appeal.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution confirms the retraction of the published article if they find sufficient facts in favor of the retraction.

The Committee on Conflict Resolution notifies the initiator about the results.

The Journal publishes a note of retraction indicating the metadata of the article in question.

The Editors notify databases about the retraction and its reasons.

7.  Committee on Conflict Resolution

Violation of publication ethics requires a mandatory investigation, be it the fault of Publisher, Editors, Chief Editor, Reviewers, or Authors. This applies to both published articles and unpublished manuscripts. The Editorial Office calls a Committee on Conflict Resolution to resolve issues and complaints related to possible violations of the principles of Editorial Ethics. The chairman and members are appointed by voting from the members of the editorial board. The Committee on Conflict Resolution considers complaints from Authors, Readers, Reviewers, Editors, and Publisher.

8. Copyright

The Author owns the exclusive rights for the manuscript.

For the manuscript to be published and distributed, the Author transfers exclusive rights to use it to the Publisher by signing the Copyright Agreement, while retaining significant rights for use and distribution.

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Under the Copyright Agreement, the Author transfers the copyright to the Publisher but reserves the right to:

• use the article for personal purposes, within their organization and for the purpose of scientific exchange, as long as there is a reference to the published version;

• patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property (including primary research data)

• proper attribution and source of published work.

Under the Copyright Agreement, the Author grants the Publisher the following rights:

• the exclusive right to publish, distribute the article, and grant rights to a third party, including for commercial purposes;

• the right to reproduce the article in any format and media (including digital);

• the right to protect copyrights in the event of their infringement by a third party.

 Copyright protection

The exclusive right to use the article belongs only to the Author or copyright holder (Publisher). Any use without their consent (except for use for scientific, educational, cultural and other purposes stated in Art.1274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is a violation of copyright.

The Publisher shall take all necessary measures to protect copyright.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice publishes authentic research articles, reviews, short scientific reports, news, and information summaries related to the topic of strategizing.

Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscript and the accuracy of the information. By submitting your manuscript, you confirm that it is original and previously unpublished in Russian or other languages.

Authors are fully liable in accordance with the current legislation for any violation of intellectual property and copyrights.

You can publish an initial draft of your manuscript on non-commercial and publicly available preprint servers, e.g. bioRxiv, arXiv, or related repositories. Do not forget to inform the Editorial Board before submission and provide a link to the preprint. After your manuscript has been edited according to the review and published in the Journal, you cannot post it on any preprint servers lest it should be regarded as a duplicate publication. When citing your article after publication, please make sure to add an active link to the website of the Journal.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for communication with the editors, guarantees that all requirements of the Journal are met, promptly answers any questions, and provides the necessary information.

The Corresponding Author shall guarantee that all the co-Authors have seen the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission for publication.

Authors guarantee that the manuscript they submit meets the formatting requirements. The Editorial Board has the right to reject a badly written manuscript that does not meet the formatting requirements.

If the manuscript meets the profile and the formatting requirements, it is registered by the Editor, who then contacts the Author within 14 days.

All manuscripts are checked for unauthorized borrowings from open sources, i.e. plagiatrism, via www.antiplagiat.ru. Should multiple unauthorized borrowings be detected, the Editorial Board follows the COPE algorithm.

After that, the manuscript goes to the Chief Editor, who assesses its topic, scientific character, reliability, validity, representativeness, completeness, coherence, language, style, and implementation of the research objective. The Chief Editor then appoints two reviewers for a double-blind peer review, which means that the authors do not know the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the authors. Reviewers guarantee objectivity, anonymity, and confidentiality and consider the possibility of a conflict of interests.

The double-blind peer review can be conducted by the members of the Editorial Board or by acknowledged academic specialists (doctors, professors) in the specific sphere, who have had recent publications on the related topic.

Each Reviewer uses the following criteria to accept a manuscript for publication: relevance, novelty, and significance; type of the article and its contents; compliance with the subject of the Journal; use of strategizing methodology; clarity of presentation; reliability of the results and the completeness of the conclusions; title, abstract, and references. After that, each Reviewer makes a reasoned conclusion: to recommend the manuscript for publication / to recommend the article after revision / NOT to recommend the manuscript for publication.

If at least one of the Reviewers claims that the article has to undergo a considerable revision, it will be returned to the same Reviewer for the second check-up after it has been improved by the Author. The manuscript can be rejected after two negative reviews. In this case, the Author receives a substantiated refusal or a copy of the review. The Reviewer's name may be reported to the author only if the Reviewer gives consent to it.

Papers accepted for publication are published in priority sequence, according to the acceptance date. In exceptional circumstances, the Editors retain the right to change the publication order.

The content of the issue is approved by the Chief Editor. All manuscripts undergo stylistic and grammatical editing. The layout of the manuscript is sent to the Author for final confirmation.

The journal only publishes the manuscripts recommended by the reviewers.

«Double-blind» peer review.

The reviewer is appointed by the editor-in-chief or the deputy editor. Both the members of the editorial board and highly qualified scientists and specialists from other organizations and enterprises can be invited for reviewing manuscripts.

They have to have profound professional knowledge and experience of work in the specific field of science and be doctors of sciences and professors.

The reviewers are notified about the manuscripts being the authors' private owner rights and not being subject to public disclosure. The reviewers are not allowed to copy the articles for their private needs. Reviewing is performed confidentially. Violation of confidentiality is impossible unless the reviewer declares unreliability or counterfeiting of the article's materials.

The term for the article consideration should not exceed three months from the date of starting the reviewing process.

If the reviewer points out, that improvement is necessary the article is sent to the author for follow-on revision. In this case the return date of the modified article is considered the date of the article submission.

If, on the recommendation of the reviewer, the article underwent a considerable revision by the author, it is again sent to the reviewer who gave the critical remarks. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the articles in case of the author's inability or unwillingness to take into account the editor's recommendations.

In case of two negative manuscript reviews from different experts or one negative review on the article's modified variant it is rejected without considering by other members of the editorial board. After reviewing the possibility of publication is decided upon by the editor-in-chief or, in case of necessity, by the editorial board altogether.

The author of the rejected article is sent a motivated refusal by the official responsible for issuing. The reviewer's name may be reported to the author provided that the former gives consent to it.

Reviews' originals are kept by the editorial board during five years since the publication.

Authors do not have to pay any article processing charge or open access publication fee.

Published 4 times per year.

                        Alabina Tatiana
Alabina Tatiana Kemerovo State University

                        Alimuradov Murad
Alimuradov Murad Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Astapov Kirill Leonidovich
Astapov Kirill Leonidovich Lomonosov Moscow State University
doctor of economic sciences

                        Beleckiy Andrey Al'fredovich
Beleckiy Andrey Al'fredovich Far Eastern Federal University (Department of Innovation, assistant professor)
employee from 01.01.2020 until now

                        Bodrunov Sergey
Bodrunov Sergey S.Yu. Vitte Institute of New Industrial Development ( director)
doctor of economic sciences


                        Bystrov Andrey
Bystrov Andrey Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of technical sciences

                        Wang Yushan
Wang Yushan Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Vartanov Sergey
Vartanov Sergey Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Vervein Dmitry
Vervein Dmitry Kemerovo State University

                        Vlasyuk Lyudmila
Vlasyuk Lyudmila Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Gavrilina Daria
Gavrilina Daria Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Gavrilyuk Artem
Gavrilyuk Artem Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Galiev Zharylkasym
Galiev Zharylkasym Narional University of Science and Technology “MISiS”

                        Galieva Nadezhda
Galieva Nadezhda Narional University of Science and Technology “MISiS”,

                        Gacuk Natal'ya
Gacuk Natal'ya Kemerovo State University
graduate student

                        Golubev Sergey
Golubev Sergey All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute “Center”


                        Gritskevich Tatiana
Gritskevich Tatiana Kemerovo State University

                        Dorovskih Inga
Dorovskih Inga Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Evdokimov Dmitriy Sergeevich
Evdokimov Dmitriy Sergeevich Central Economics and Mathematics Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
graduate student

                        Evdokimov Dmitry
Evdokimov Dmitry Central Economics and Mathematics Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

Kvint Vladimir  — Editor-in-Chief
Lomonosov Moscow State University (The Moscow School of Economics, The Chair of Economic and Financial Strategy, Head of chair)
doctor of economic sciences
Academic rank Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Akaev Askar  — Editorial board member
National Research University Higher School of Economics
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Academic rank Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Akhmetova Irina  — Editorial board member
Kazan State Power Engineering University
doctor of technical sciences

Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Bahtizin Al'bert  — Editorial board member
Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( director)
doctor of economic sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bodrunov Sergey  — Editorial board member
S.Yu. Vitte Institute of New Industrial Development ( director)
doctor of economic sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Bystrov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Dar’kin Sergey  — Editorial board member
PAO Tikhookeanskaya Investitsionnaya Gruppa (Pacific Investment Group, PJSC) ( President)
candidate of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kozyrev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich  — Editorial board member
North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (kafedra menedzhmenta, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Leukhova Maria  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University
candidate of historical sciences
Academic rank Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Makarov V.  — Editorial board member
Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Research Director)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences ,
candidate of economic sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Nie Yongyou  — Editorial board member
Shanghai University (School of Economics, Dean)

Shanghai, China
Novikova Irina  — Editorial board member
Moscow School of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Economic and Financial Strategy, Professor)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Okrepilov Vladimir  — Editorial board member
Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Scientific Director)
doctor of economic sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Pahomova Elena Alekseevna  — Editorial board member
Institute for the Development of Territorial Systems of Professsional Teachers’ Training of the Russian State Pedagogical University (Department of Professsional Teachers’ Training, prof.)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Prosekov Alexander  — Editorial board member
Kemerovo State University

Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Rastvortseva Svetlana Nikolaevna  — Editorial board member
National Research University of Economics (Department of World Economy and International Affairs, prof.)
doctor of economic sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Sapir Jacques  — Editorial board member
Centre for the Study of Industrialization Pattern (CEMI) - Foundation Robert de Sorbon ( director)
Academic rank Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Paris, France
Ugras Yusuf Joseph  — Editorial board member
La Salle University (College of Professional and Continuing Education, Dean)
doctor of economic sciences

Philadelphia, United States of America
Fadeev Aleksey  — Editorial board member
Luzin Institute for Economic Studies – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
doctor of economic sciences

Apatity, Russian Federation
Khvorostyanaya Anna  — Editorial board member
Lomonosov Moscow State University
candidate of economic sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Scholte Jan Aart  — Editorial board member
Leiden University (Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges)

Leiden, Russian Federation

Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Life-time), Dr.Sc. (Econ.),
Professor of Political Economy, Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation –
the title was given by the President of the Russian Federation.


Vladimir Kvint is the creator and developer of the Global Emerging Market Theory and the General Theory of Strategy.


The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics (Routledge: NY, London, 2009).

Strategy for the Global Market: Theory and Practical Applications (published in the USA and Great Britain, 2016).

The Concept of Strategizing. Vol I (NWMI RANEPA, 2019)

His 53 books and 380 articles have been published in 13 countries.

Chair, Economic and Financial Strategy Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University’ Moscow School of Economics.

Head of the Center for Strategic Studies at Moscow State University’ Institute of Mathematical Research of Complex Systems.

Research Supervisor at the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the North-Western Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Chief Researcher of the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2019–2021 he is a Visiting Professor at Shanghai University.

Chairman of the Expert Council of the Pacific Investment Group.

He was a Visiting Professor at Vienna Economic University, Austria, 1988–1990, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Babson College, USA, 1990. Professor of Management Systems and International Business Strategy at Fordham University’ Graduate School of Business, NY, 1990–2004. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Emerging Market Strategy, New York University’ Stern School of Business, 1995–2000. Professor of International Business at American University, Washington, D.C., 2004–2007, an Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management at LaSalle University, Pennsylvania, 2005-2016.

In 1992–1993 and 1997–1998 Dr. Kvint was an Economic Advisor to the President of the United Nations General Assembly. Director, Emerging Markets Department at Arthur Andersen, NY, 1992–1998.

He is a Leading Scholar in the Field of Economic Strategy. Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor at ten Universities around the world, a Member of the Bretton Woods Committee (Washington, D.C.), a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. He was awarded by the President of Russia with the Order of Friendship, and Order of Honor. He is a Laureate of the Lomonosov Prize of First Degree for scientific work in the field of Theory and Methodology of Strategy – the highest award of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is also awarded with the Nikolay Kondratyev Gold Medal. He is a US Fulbright Scholar. He has research and state awards from Russia, Austria, Albania, Belgium, China, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA and Uzbekistan.

He is a Chairman of Dissertation Defense Committees at Lomonosov Moscow State University and National University of Science and Technology (MISIS) in Moscow.

Editor-in-Chief of “The Russian Journal of Industrial Economics”, Associate Editor of journals: “Economics and Mathematical Methods”, “Administrative Consulting,” and “The International Journal of Emerging Markets”, etc.



Web of Science

Journal's mission

Strategizing: Theory and Practice is an international biannual peer-reviewed journal founded in 2021.

Our team uses a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of the contributions and publish online and printed original research articles that bring together theory, methodology, and practice in global, national, and regional strategizing.

Our strategic goal is to contribute to the theory, development, and implementation of the most effective national, regional, corporate, and industrial strategies. Our authors analyze the experience of strategic development in cities, regions, and industries. They also study the competitive advantages of various successful enterprises, from industrial giants to small businesses.

We publish authentic research articles, reviews, short scientific reports, news, and information summaries in Russian, English, and Chinese. We appreciate papers that contain strategic analyses of economic processes and advanced domestic and foreign achievements from across the economic and strategic sciences.


 Strategizing: Theory and Practice welcomes submissions from scholars in all relevant fields on:

• national and regional strategies;
• sectoral, industrial, and corporate strategy;
• economic and mathematical methods in strategizing;
• assessment of the social and economic efficiency of particular strategies;
• strategizing of human potential;
• innovative development strategies;
• strategizing in times of crisis;
• strategizing of creative industries.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice is a breakthrough communication platform where scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders of innovation ecosystems can discuss various aspects of strategy, science, and technology policies, thus creating technological, managerial, industrial, cultural, and social innovations.

Our target audience includes strategic leaders, senior and middle managers, scientists, engineers, economists, and practitioners in all industries, as well as specialists in digitalization, robotization, and other innovative transformations that improve the material, intellectual, and emotional quality of human life.

Our Journal is proud to publish research-based on Professor Kvint’s general theory of strategy and strategic methodology. This innovative approach is developed by the Center for Strategic Studies, the Department of Economic and Financial Strategy (Lomonosov State University), and the Department of Regional and Sectoral Development Strategy (Kemerovo State University).

The Journal is financed by the Founder and does not charge for submission, peer review, or publication.

All papers published in the Journal fall under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

We follow the open access policy proclaimed by the Budapest Open Access Initiative to encourage knowledge sharing across the globe. The online version of the Journal is published in open assess, which means that you are free to read, download, copy, forward, print, and make reference to the complete texts provided you mention the author’s name. 

Editorial Office Address: bild. 46, 1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, Russia; office@strategy.msu.ru

Contact for co-operation:
Khvorostyanaya Anna, Ph.D. (Econ.), Leading Researcher of the Center for Strategic Studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University’ Institute of Complex Systems, Associate Professor, Economic and Financial Strategy Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow School of Economics; Khvorostyanayaas@gmail.com

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