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Abstract (English):
The current sanctions, pandemic, and geopolitical situation demand new strategies and models of territorial sustainable development. The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the innovative and industrial potential of the Russian Arctic as part of the ongoing import phase-out. The development potential of this macroterritory depends on the implementation of its human, infrastructural, financial, and industrial potentials. The author developed a five-stage algorithm of balanced indicators that assess the industrial and innovative potential of a region and applied it to the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation. The regions that revealed a below-average potential were tested for bottlenecks and acquired a sevenfold strategy for sustainable development. The research facilitates the assessment, decision-making, strategizing, strategy implementation, and road-mapping of the Arctic economy. Territorial management based on high-performance decision support systems is able to improve the economic activity of the Russian Arctic, boost its macroeconomic indicators, and increase the local social standards.

innovative and industrial potential, Russian Arctic, import phase-out, strategy, sustainable development of territories
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