Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The article deals with the structure and content of the network frame hostile encounter in the Internet comments to a Russian video that featured the special military operation in Ukraine. The current political situation has turned many Internet resources into a platform of information-psychological warfare. Network discourse is anonymous and moderated by the resource owners. For instance, YouTube videos and comments can have a manipulative effect on Internet users, who develop certain mental frames as a result of interaction of mental and language structures. Charles Fillmore defined frames as structured knowledge that unites elements and associations related to specific cultural realities, situations, and events from human experience. The author believes that Internet comments may shape certain network variants of frames. The analysis of the network frame hostile encounter made it possible to identify the lexical units that make up its core, as well as to analyze the content of its obligatory and non-obligatory elements within the linguistics of information-psychological warfare.
Internet, Internet communication, linguistics of information-psychological warfare, network frames, naive political discourse, Internet comments
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