Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nowadays, digitalization is affecting all sectors of global economy, including higher education. This process should be conscious and well-structured. This study featured the digitalization phenomenon in higher education, namely its impact on human resources and the strategizing of digital transformation.The author used the theory of strategy and strategizing methodology developed by Professor V.L. Kvint to design the strategy of the digital transformation in the sphere of higher education in Russia. Other methods and approaches included analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and scientific abstraction. The study resulted in a conceptual framework for strategizing the digital transformation of higher education in Russia. The OTSW analysis proved that the digital transformation of higher education is currently experiencing various difficulties. Most of them are associated with the penetration of digital technologies into academic environment, the socio-psychological risks, and the personality digitalization. The Russian system of higher education needs effective digital strategizing and a clear methodology to overcome all these difficulties.
strategizing, digital transformation, higher education, strategic management, digital university
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