The article highlights the necessity for restructuring sanatorium complex, indicates a need for the development and implementation of the state program of restructuring the network of companies of the sanatorium complex as an instrument of state influence, and reveals the specificity of services provided by enterprises belonging to the sanatorium-resort complex. The authors examine the elements of the sanatorium complex. Its main components are the enterprises, the activities of which are directly determined by the specifics of sanatorium services and have less to do with the treatment, but with the preservation of health. Sanatorium services are not essential services, so the demand for them is determined by social and psycho-physiological factors. No less a significant element of the sanatorium complex controls are different levels. Resort business in Russia has historically been considered an object of state social policy, which is why the activities of management in view of the prevailing conditions in fact aimed at ensuring its development. In this regard, management of the sanatorium complex on the part of public authorities is using such methods and forms, as program-oriented planning; achieving stability of the tax system; establishment of a regime of tax allowances for companies in this sector; government contracts; coordination of the activities of companies in the health resort; management of state property; prioritization of structural policy; antitrust regulation; provision of information services based on the introduction of new information technologies; licensing; certification; state supervision. The article analyzes the differences in concepts such as "restructuring" and "reform"; and also addresses issues of reforming the enterprises of a service that involves a restructuring, and the factors that determine the need for restructuring the sanatorium complex, as well as for identifying deficiencies in operational planning and management in terms of restructuring. The authors note the need for the development and implementation of the conceptual foundations of respect for the health at the state level.
enterprise restructuring in the sanatorium complex, spa services, sanatorium industry, government regulation of the sanatorium complex
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