Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the conditions of the modern economy, the problem of increasing the level of competitiveness of products is most acute, since the success of any company will depend on a correctly chosen and developed marketing strategy. The competitiveness of products is influenced by many factors: organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological indicators, safety criteria, product price, packaging condition and labeling content. The purpose of this study was to identify the most competitive product on the example of natural honey samples. The work consisted of several stages. At the first stage, a visual assessment of the state of the package and the content of the label was carried out for compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union «Food products in terms of their labeling» (TR CU 022/2011). At the second stage, the organoleptic and some physical and chemical parameters of the tested samples were studied for compliance with the requirements of GOST 19792-2017 «Natural honey. Specifications». At the next stage, weight coefficients were calculated for each selected consumer property, group indicators of product competitiveness, relative level and integral indicator of competitiveness of evaluated samples compared to a competitor sample (base sample). Based on the calculations, the most competitive sample was determined.

comparative assessment, quality, natural honey, competitiveness, expert group, individual consumer criteria, complex consumer criteria, packaging, labeling, physical and chemical indicators
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