Difficulties in measuring and assessing the socio-psychological climate in the service teams of internal affairs bodies
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the system of measures for the moral and psychological support of the professional activities of employees of the internal affairs bodies, the diagnosis of the socio-psychological climate is becoming increasingly important. Along with understanding the significance of the socio-psychological climate as an important psychological phenomenon, the need for further improvement of the tools and procedures used to measure it is obvious. In addition to utilitarian reasons caused by psychometric shortcomings of the instrumentation, errors in the organization of psychodiagnostic procedures for studying it, there are reasons of a different level. The article is devoted to the analysis of the difficulties that exist in measuring and evaluating the socio-psychological climate in the service teams of the internal affairs bodies. The authors highlight the difficulties of the methodological level, which they see in the complexity of the phenomenon of «sociopsychological climate» and the variety of scientific approaches in its description, as well as the difficulties of the instrumental level, which lie in the fact that in many ways the methods known and used by psychologists of the internal affairs bodies have lost their effect. novelties and their resistance to falsification has decreased, which led to a decrease in the effectiveness of measuring procedures, does not allow to fully identify the reasons for the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the unit and predict with a high degree of probability the climate in a certain group in the long term. In the article, the authors substantiate the need to improve the practice of psychological measurement of the socio-psychological climate, describing in detail various theoretical approaches, scientific methods of cognition, particular methods of measurement and evaluation.

socio-psychological climate, research methods, diagnostics, sociometry, referentometry, subject-activity approach
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