Psychological markers of the competence of police officers in the field of emotional-volitional self-regulation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of determining the psychological indicators indicating the competence or problems of police officers in the sphere of emotional volitional self-regulation is relevant in light of solving problems of compliance of professionally significant psychological personal qualities of police officers to the requirements of activity. Psychological indicators are markers that allow you to identify the zone of risk and determine the area of development of psychological resources of personality to ensure the effective and reliable functioning of the subject of labor. We see the solution to the problem in the identification of indicators of police officers’ competence in the sphere of emotional volitional self-regulation and the definition of critical markers, acting as predictors for corrective action. The study sample consisted of police officers who were divided into two groups according to the values of the indicators of neuropsychic adaptation: the adapted (n = 76) and the maladapted (n = 34). The data were collected using the psychodiagnostics method and the method of mathematical-statistical data processing. The results of the study allowed us to identify reliably significant markers of competence in the sphere of emotional volitional self-regulation, as well as critical markers that allow predicting the risks of neuropsychic maladaptation of employees. The study established reliable differences in the personality profile of the respondents of the two groups, which indicates the personal determinants that determine the ability to constructively resolve emotionally difficult situations. The practical significance of the results of the study consists in the possibility of preventive identification of police officers in need of corrective action in order to develop their abilities to emotional volitional selfregulation.

competence, psychological marker, police officer, emotional-volitional self-regulation, neuropsychic adaptation, emotional intelligence
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