Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Strategic management allows business to respond to the changes that occur in the markets, science, technology, economy, society, and politics. Poor strategic management puts the organization at risks and deprives it of the ability to predict and make plans, thus dooming it to short-term, on-the-spur-of-the-moment, or belated decisions. In a highly competitive and dynamic environment, organizations must develop a long-term strategy in order to keep pace with the external changes. In practice, many organizations act as if the environment were permanent, and lose competitive advantage. To be a market leader, the company should be able to predict external changes, design a proper strategy, determine competitive advantages, and avoid strategic risks. Strategy development is unique for each organization and depends on its market position, developmental rate, potential, competitors, products and services, the current state of economy, cultural environment, etc. This research featured the case of mobile provider “O!” (OsOO NUR Telecom, Kyrgyzstan).

strategic management, strategy, competitiveness, organization, competitive advantages, managers
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