Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The introduction of the methodology of a competence approach in teaching the courses of departments of engineering graphics, as shows the experience of a number of technical universities of Russia, occurs according to some template. If in 70–80 years the last century the Departments was the routing of the teaching subject with the indication providing, and provide discipline then currently are talking about interdisciplinary competences. In this case, interdisciplinary competence on engineering and computer graphics define the departments. The wording of the intrasubject competencies reduced to define the topics of descriptive geometry necessary for the study of the fundamentals of engineering graphics (geometrical and projection drawing, the cutting line and the intersection of simple surfaces). In the end, the important topics of descriptive geometry (basic concepts of the theory of curves and surfaces, sweep, tangent planes, axonometric etc.) that have practical value, are excluded from the syllabus. This greatly affects the quality overall geometric training of students of technical universities with based on the level of teaching geometry in high school. In our opinion, the way out of the situation is in consistent, purposeful transformation the descriptive geometry in the engineering geometry without radical distortions. In this regard, the present article is devoted to the presentation some issues in the theory of nonlinear forms in engineering geometry. The proposed approach will enhance the practical value of our discipline due to the expansion of cross-curricular competencies with related sections of higher mathematics, CAD, etc.
the curves and surfaces, contours, the smoothness of the contour, the kinematic method of forming a multidimensional surfaces.
Нелинейные формы трехмерного пространства, кривые линии и поверхности нашли достаточно полное и всестороннее освещение в учебных и научных публикациях. Это классические труды по алгебраической и дифференциальной геометрии, а также
многочисленные публикации по их использованию в компьютерной графике, геометрическом моделировании технических форм, САПР [1; 4; 8; 20]. Вопросы их образования, задания на чертеже, построения сопряжений (обводов), а также решения позиционных и метрических задач с их участием, рассматриваются в традиционных курсах начертательной геометрии.
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