GRNTI 06.52 Экономическое развитие и рост. Прогнозир-ние и планирование экономики. Экономич. циклы и кризисы
BBK 303 Сырье. Материалы. Материаловедение
BBK 347 Технология производства оборудования отраслевого назначения
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
BBK 35 Химическая технология. Химические производства
BBK 383 Строительные материалы и изделия
BBK 385 Строительные конструкции
BBK 386 Технология строительного производства
BBK 387 Отдельные виды строительства
BBK 389 Благоустройства населенных мест
BBK 6529 Экономика предприятия (фирмы)
BBK 6530 Экономика промышленности
BBK 6531 Экономика строительства
Increased demand for the construction of transport infrastructure is dictated by the low density of roads in Russia, the high level of congestion of the main ways today and in the future, and also the need for the development of international transport corridors. There are fundamental documents of various levels which are based on structural reforms that improve the economic efficiency of the transport operations and the quality of transport services. It is necessary to highlight the role of civil organizations in the modernization of transport infrastructure in the country. Timely and high-quality implementation of projects is possible with using the modern machines. However, economic and political unrests in the country promote the financial instability of the companies, which is an obstacle for planned updating and upgrade of the fixed assets. Therefore, the problem of increasing the efficiency of transport construction mechanization differs in enduring relevance. In this article the authors presents a methodology for evaluating the economic efficiency of the mechanized complexes by profit criterion in earthwork operations on linear objects. The methodology allows to make quick decisions when forming the feasibility study on the preliminary design stage of the object taking into account the most popular most popular in the construction market ways to attract technology.
loading and transport set, earthworks, leasing, unit cost, profit, correlation and regression analysis, regression equation, profit
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