Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses current problems of ecotourism development in Severobaikal region and studies the perspectives of tourist-recreational complex foundation. The creation of special economic zones will undoubtedly require the development and implementation of strategic plan related to personnel education and training with the participation of national and foreign experts and specialized companies, taking into account marketing research and poll results. To ensure the realization of Russian governmental tasks there has been created a pilot program of linguistic training for hospitality and tourism staff basing in the Centre of linguistic support for eco-touristic education development. This program has been developed within the framework of current requirements concerning foreign languages teaching, tendencies of permanent lingual education and in the context of hospitality industry professional standards requirements. Considering new touristic routes creation, closely connected with the interregional project “Big Baikal path” and high level of tourist-recreational attractiveness of region, for promotion of small cities in Baikal region, demand for highly-qualified specialists for the hospitality and tourism sectors will grow. The identification of necessary competencies for each working unit will allow to develop lingua-didactic base including practical tasks which are obligatory for the personnel universal education. Moreover the methods and assessment forms in the framework of each competency will play an integral part in the creation of one algorithm as a main component of the educational process. Thus the abovementioned educational algorithm will serve as a dynamic factor of higher professional education and the system of advanced personnel training.

ecotourism, personnel education for the hospitality and tourism industries, special economic zones, market of educational services

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