Курск, Россия
, Россия
ГРНТИ 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
ББК 3297 Вычислительная техника
The results of graphic information processing and investigation of the microhardness of the sintered sample from chromiumcontaining waste are presented. Currently, one of the main directions of development of engineering technology is the improvement of existing and the development of new waste-free, environmentally friendly, material-saving production processes. Powder metallurgy is a branch of technology, including the manufacture ofpowders from metals and their alloys and the preparation of blanks and products from them without melting the main component. In most cases, new materials are created in order to provide the optimal combination ofproduct price and operational characteristics. Microhardness is the resistance to plastic indentation (usually on a flat surface) of a solid tip in the shape of a cone or a pyramid made of diamond. With the help of microhardness, they control very small parts, test and sort out watch, instrument and other products. The aim of the work was to study the microhardness of a sintered sample.
graphic information, sintered samples, chrome, spark-erosion powders
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