ГРНТИ 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
ББК 3297 Вычислительная техника
The paper considers the question of bringing the existing set of laws, regulatory and legislative documents in line with the Digital Earth - new and promising universal and global environment for the information integration on all possible scales simultaneously. Existing of 4 possible geovisualization methods is stated, typology of geovisualization methods is proposed and discussed. A practical approach for determining the belonging of visualization to a particular type, based on the use of diagrams "angle-range", is proposed. Concept of 3D-documents within Digital Earth paradigm is unveiled and explained, brief history of the developing and adopting of this concept is described, the prospects of the future evolution of 3D-documents are considered briefly.
3D-document, Digital Earth, visualization, governance, “angle-range” diagram
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