Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Научно обоснована и экспериментально подтверждена возможность использования нативной и ферментативно-модифицированной креветочной биомассы (Pandalus borealis) для создания продуктов питания с функциональной направленностью, восполняющих дефицит белковых веществ у лиц, занимающихся различными видами спорта (циклическими, скоростно-силовыми, игровыми, сложнокоординационными, сложнотехническими, а также спортивными единоборствами). Впервые разработаны технологии изготовления комбинированных высокобелковых структурированных пищевых систем (паштетов) с использованием нативной и ферментативно-модифицированной креветочной биомассой. Проанализированы показатели качества высокобелковых структурированных пищевых систем (паштетов): органолептические, физико-химические и микробиологические. Для доказательства биологического действия и активности были исследованы аминокислотный и жирнокислотный сравнительные составы нативной и ферментативно-модифицированной креветочной биомассы для создания функциональных пищевых продуктов, предназначенных для спортивного питания. Впервые были исследованы жирнокислотные составы паштетов с добавлением и без добавления антиоксиданта. Проанализировано обеспечение храниспособности этого вида изделий. Целью работы явилась разработка технологии изготовления комбинированных высокобелковых паштетов с использованием нативной и ферментативно-модифицированной креветочной биомассы, проведение сравнительного анализа их биологической ценности.

Ключевые слова:
Нативная креветочная биомасса, ферментативно-модифицированная креветочная биомасса, функциональный продукт, спортивное питание, белки, аминокислоты, креветка северная, соевые пептиды, полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты.


According to forecasts of the global supply of the population of the Earth with protein substances in this century the protein balance in products can only be achieved by the combination of vegetable and animal proteins [1].

In this regard, research on expansion of the range of safe and quality food products based on marine fauna and terrestrial plant material has become increasingly important [2].

The Far East is rich in biological resources of plant and animal origin. Northern shrimp Pandalus borealis) which is common in the north of the Far East, the Sea of Japan, and the Gulf of Peter the Great, one of the most accessible for the population of the Far East, is considered as raw material for the production of functional foods. It is the species of cold-water shrimp. This is a small but most valuable species since it contains many useful substances (antioxidant, astaxanthin vitamins, enzymes and hormones, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, phosphorus, iron, amino acids leucine, lysine, aspartic and glutamic acids, and glycine). It was taken as a basis for the development of the shrimp biomass [3].

According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, soy protein is easily digestible, high-value, reasonably balanced in terms of amino acid composition, comparable in biological value with the protein of milk, fish, and beef. The soybean and derived products occupy a special place among legumes because of the high content of valuable protein (up to 40% or more) and fat (20% or more). It is the most common legume in the world.

The importance of the source of soy protein should be noted, since various soy products (soy flour, soy concentrate, and isolated soybean protein) have a different coefficient of digestibility. They are unequal in their medical and biological properties which is also associated with various manufacturing methods. Only soy protein products manufactured with the most modern technology, i.e., by aqueous extraction, have the highest digestibility coefficient and retain most of the natural properties of soy. On average soybean seeds contain about 35% of protein, while isolated soy proteins (isolates) contain up to 90% of protein. In this context, isolated denotes highly purified protein derived from soybeans [4].

The reason for the increased use of the shrimp biomass and soy peptides in the production of high-protein functional foods is the unique amino acid composition of shrimp biomass and soy protein, complementarity of soy proteins with muscle proteins which increases the overall biological value of the protein composition of the finished product, neutral flavor characteristics of soy proteins and their compatibility with various types of raw materials in product formulas [5].

These properties make it possible to introduce protein ingredients in formulas of high-protein foods and obtain end products that are not inferior to traditional products in terms of the biological value and most importantly to efficiently use expensive raw materials of animal origin [6]. Products developed with the addition of soy protein are more affordable to the mass consumer in terms of price and make it possible to partially cover the deficit of the protein in the diet [7, 8].

High-protein diet is necessary for people involved in strength sports (cyclic, speed-strength, competitive, complex coordination, technically complex, and combat sports) [9, 10].

The course of food containing protein can be assigned when physical activity is an integral part in maintaining muscle mass and in stimulating muscle hypertrophy, ensuring proper recovery after physical exercises, and maintaining optimal immune function of the human body [11, 12].

Список литературы

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2. Kalenik, T.K., Dotsenko, S.M., Kupchak, D.V., and Lyubimova, O.I., Kombinirovannyye produkty dlya zdorovogo pitaniya (Combination products for a healthy diet), Pishchevaya promyshlennost’ (Food industry), 2012, no. 7, pp. 65–67.

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