This article has developed one of the main safety criteria in restricted areas for safe passing of vessels, taking into account the main influencing factors (wind, current, dimensions of the vessel, sufficient sea room, manoeuvring characteristics of vessels), as well as early development of recommendations for safe passing and manoeuvring of vessels in these water areas. Scientific research and analysis of static data on incidents suggest that in the world fleet annually approximately 20-30 of the 1,500 colliding vessels lost. Based on the foregoing, we can say that the ensuring the safety of vessels is the main task of navigation. Hie main problem is science-based research in restricted areas is poorly developed. There are still very low maneuverable vessels at sea. One of the causes of maritime accidents is also the lack of knowledge of navigators of the maneuverability of the vessel.
maneuvering characteristics, underkeel clearance, safety criteria, tactical diameter, advance
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