The paper deals with the possibility of obtaining innovative scientific information based on computer processing of data for a well-known area, the active segment of the S a o Paulo Fracture Zone FZ, Central Atlantic, by means of digitizing a bathymetric map and an isopach map of sedimentary cover and supplementing the resultant mathematical models with satellite altimetry data. Our in-depth interpretation of the data resulted in the detection of structural heterogeneities in the rift zones and active segments of the fracture zones, of a tract of sedimentary cover that shows evidence of several deformation phases, and of previously unreported volcanic edifices. In addition, a system of NW-SE trending strike-slip faults was established. The study shows that converting information from paper carriers to a digital format and combining the results with Internet resources and deep sea sampling data creates an entirely new dataset amenable to state-of-the-art processing techniques eventually leading to unexpected corollaries.
Transform faults, computer technology, Atlantic Ocean.
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