Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This paper presents the results of studying Vendian rock samples collected along the middle coarse of the Dniester River in the Ukrainian territory. The results of their demagnetization revealed seven components of their natural remanent magnetization. Five of them are the results of Paleozoic Cambrian to Permian remagnetization. The last high-temperature NRM component was recorded in all of the studied rock units the Redkino and Kanilov rock units and the Baltic rock series and showed an mean paleomagnetic pole: F = 40.0oS, L = 96.5oE, A95 = 7.5o. This paleomagnetic pole agrees well with the pole that has been recently found for the Late Vendian rocks of the White Sea Zimnii Bereg area Popov et al., 2002. Combined with the results of the earlier determinations for the Late Vendian rocks of the White Sea Zimnii Bereg area, these data form a group of poles residing outside of the trajectory of the apparent migration of the paleomagnetic pole APWP for the Baltic plate. An alternative APWP version is offered for the Vendian-Cambrian segment of the curve.

Ключевые слова:
multicomponent magnetization, sedimentary rocks, Vendian rocks, remagnetization.
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Список литературы

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