Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We have analyzed the dynamics of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters during the development of 933 isolated geomagnetic storms, observed over the period from 1964 to 2010. The analysis was carried out using the epoch superposition method at intervals of 48 hrs before and 168 hrs after the moment of Dst minimum. The geomagnetic storms were selected by the type of storm commencement (sudden or gradual) and by intensity (weak, moderate, and strong). The dynamics of the solar wind and IMF parameters was compared with that of the Dst index, which is an indicator of the development of geomagnetic storms. The largest number of storms in the solar activity cycle is shown to occur in the years of minimum average values (close in magnitude to 1) of the solar wind parameter β (β is the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure). We have revealed that the dynamics of the Dst index is similar to that of the β parameter. The duration of the storm recovery phase follows the characteristic recovery time of the β parameter. We have found out that during the storm main phase the β parameter is close to 1, which reflects the maximum turbulence of solar wind plasma fluctuations. In the recovery phase, β returns to background values β~2‒3.5. We assume that the solar wind plasma turbulence, characterized by the β parameter, can play a significant role in the development of geomagnetic storms.

Ключевые слова:
geomagnetic storms, solar wind, interplanetary magnetic field, Dst index, β parameter, turbulence
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Список литературы

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