Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We have detected an anomalous electron density Ne increase in winter months in Irkutsk in some years of the period 2003–2014. This effect was manifested when we compared the experimental values obtained by the Irkutsk ionosonde with model calculations at F1-layer heights (120–200 km). Two anomalous time zones have been found. The first was observed in the period 2003–2006 near solar minimum. In this zone, 2003 is the year of maximum manifestation of the winter Ne increase over the entire research period. The second anomalous zone — 2012, 2013, 2014 — was detected during solar maximum. We have explored possible causes of the Ne change in winter at the F1-layer heights in all the years under study. We have found that the main factor causing the winter increase in Ne is significant geomagnetic disturbances in the above time periods.

Ключевые слова:
electron density, winter increase in Ne, geomagnetic activity
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Список литературы

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