Якутск, Россия
Якутск, Россия
We present and discuss properties of the following magnetic field models in a magnetic cloud: Miller and Turner solution, modified Miller–Turner solution, Romashets–Vandas toroidal and integral models, and Krittinatham–Ruffolo model. Helicity of the magnetic field in all the models is the main feature of magnetic clouds. The first three models describe the magnetic field inside an ideal torus. In the integral model, parameters of a generating torus ambiguously determine the volume and form of the magnetic field region. In the Krittinatham–Ruffolo model, the cross-section radius of the torus is variable, thereby it corresponds more closely to the real form of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere. These models can be used to interpret in-situ observations of the magnetic flux rope, to study a Forbush decrease in magnetic clouds and transport effects of solar energetic particles injected into a coronal mass ejection.
magnetic flux rope models, force-free magnetic field, magnetic field lines, toroidal magnetic field, magnetic cloud
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16. URL: https://github.com/ivanpetukhov1978/Models-of-magnetic-field/releases/tag/1.0 (accessed March 1, 2019).