Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We analyze the results of a rare long-lived quasisymmetric ellipsoidal-annular meteor trail recorded on November 18, 2017 by two optical all-sky cameras, spaced at a distance of 150 km. The analysis is based on astrometric processing results with the use of baseline measurement methods. We determine spatial-kinematic characteristics of the meteor trail, and find features of its evolution. The ignition and extinction heights of the meteor were in the range 75–120 km. The estimate of the meteor brightness gives the absolute magnitude value of about –7.3m. It is shown that the distribution of all parts of the long-lived meteor trail occurs in the same plane at a height of ~90 km at a speed of ~320 m/s and, apparently, cannot be a consequence of an air mass movement. The total time of the meteor trail observation was more than 30 min. We offer possible explanations for the results obtained in the context of upper atmosphere processes.

Ключевые слова:
meteor, long-lived meteor trail, baseline observations, astrometry, upper atmosphere, shock wave
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Список литературы

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