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Аннотация (русский):
The aim of this paper is to structure and extend the knowledge of solar chromospheric sources of oscillations in the solar wind and their relationships with pulsations registered in the magnetosphere. We compare the oscillation spectra that we observe using instruments of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in different chromospheric structures with those observed in the solar wind and magnetosphere. We explore the possibility that the observed periodic variations of the chromospheric line widths can be interpreted as torsional Alfvén wave manifestation—this mode can propagate long distances without dissipating in the interplanetary space; it can penetrate into Earth’s magnetosphere directly or due to processes occurring at the plasmapause. We emphasize the similarities in the oscillation characteristics observed in different media, the similarities in the parameters of the media themselves and the processes developing in them. We believe that similar approaches can be applied to studying these media.

Ключевые слова:
solar faculae, sunspots, MHD waves, magnetosphere
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Список литературы

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