Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The phenomena which accompany synchronization of night-time ionospheric and geomagnetic disturbances in an ULF range with periods 35–50 min near the mid-latitude station Kazan during a global magnetically quiet period have been analyzed. The comparison between dynamic spectra and wavelet patterns of these disturbances has revealed that spectral features of simultaneous disturbances of the F2-layer critical frequency and H, D, Z geomagnetic field components are similar. By studying spectral features of the F2-layer critical frequency over Kazan and disturbances of the H and D geomagnetic field components at magnetic stations which differ from Kazan station in longitude and latitude, we have established that the disturbances considered belong to the class of fast magnetosonic waves. The analysis of solar wind parameters, inter-planetary magnetic field (IMF), and values of the auro-ral index AL in the period under study has shown that this event is associated with IMF Bz component disturb-ances and occurs during substorm development.

Ключевые слова:
ionospheric disturbances, geomagnetic field disturbances, interplanetary magnetic field, substorm, magnetohydrodynamic disturbances
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Список литературы

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