The textbook is devoted to the maintenance of the state cadastre of real estate in Russia. The manual describes the history of cadastral works in Russia, the legislative and regulatory framework of the state real estate cadastre, information related to the system of state real estate cadastre and cadastral division of the territory, document management of the state real estate cadastre, valuation activities and taxation of real estate. The issues of reforming the system of state cadastre of real estate and registration of real estate, as well as ways to improve the evaluation of real estate for tax purposes. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation for the preparation of bachelors. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of training 21.03.02 "land Management and cadastres", students of advanced training courses.
The textbook is devoted to the maintenance of the state cadastre of real estate in Russia. The manual describes the history of cadastral works in Russia, the legislative and regulatory framework of the state real estate cadastre, information related to the system of state real estate cadastre and cadastral division of the territory, document management of the state real estate cadastre, valuation activities and taxation of real estate. The issues of reforming the system of state cadastre of real estate and registration of real estate, as well as ways to improve the evaluation of real estate for tax purposes. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher education of the last generation for the preparation of bachelors. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction of training 21.03.02 "land Management and cadastres", students of advanced training courses.