Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The theme of design is the tech-nological process of manufac-turing a part or article, a tech-nological process of assembly or elements of both. Course design is the basis for independent work of the student when solv-ing a complex set of technologi-cal issues in the conditions of production and systematization and deepening of knowledge in general technical and special disciplines. It includes a compu-tational and explanatory note (PZ) with a full set of issues re-lated to technological design, with a concise, clear and techni-cally sound justification for all technical decisions taken in the project: the technological route of the workpiece, the technolo-gical setup of equipment or the RTC for CNC machines , tech-nological scheme of assembly of the product; operational tech-nological schemes of assembly.

Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya, tehnologicheskiy process izgotovleniya, tehnologicheskiy process sborki, tehnologicheskiy marshrut.operacionnaya karta, karta sborki izdeliy.
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