The results of the influence of a chemical preservative, which includes organic acids, on the process of silage of clover-thymotheal grain mass are presented. During the study, the effect of applying a preservative in a dosage of 2 l/t, 3 l/t, 4 l/t of green mass was studied, the drug was not introduced into the control sample. On the 10th, 20th and 30th days of the silage process, pH, organic acid content, and mass fraction of lactic acid were determined according to standard methods. In the control sample, the hydrogen index was higher than in the samples with the use of starter culture. The amount of lactic acid in all samples with preservative was higher than in the control. The content of butyric acid in all experimental silos did not exceed the permissible norms, and in the control sample, its content was slightly higher. The use of chemical preservative had a positive effect on the process of silage of green mass and preservation of its quality.
ensiling, chemical preservatives, binary crops, green mass, legume-grass mixture, pH, and organic acids
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