Quality of herbal raw material of different-maping multiple agrocenoses for silage
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The data and assessment of the quality of herbal raw materials from cereal herbs are presented. The grassy mass is intended for harvesting haylage obtained from agrocenoses of the 24–28th years of use. It has been established that early herbage in all three cuttings and mid-ripening agrocenoses in the second and third cuttings ensure the preparation of haylage of the first and second classes. In the first mowing of medium herbage, the raw mass corresponds to the third class. An exception is the receipt of non-class raw materials (7% of all cuttings) in cold and dry 2017. For guaranteed harvesting of grass raw materials of the first and third classes, it is necessary to apply N60PK for each cutting, and the grasses must be harvested in the first cutting no later than the beginning of the heading phase, which dominates in the agrocenosis kind.

early and mid-season agrocenoses, meadow foxtail, awnless brome, reed grass, three cuts, quality of herbal raw materials

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