Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, the effective method of improving labor productivity in enterprises is the personnel motivation. It contains incentives that determine the behavior of each personality. This set of actions is aimed at improving activities. Only with a clear motivation, a person will achieve high results. An effective way to motivate personnel is considered a guarantee of the successful labor of the service organization for the implementation of its plans and strengthening the market situation. Consequently, the motivation of employees is an urgent topic for all times, not paying attention to the systematic neglect of theorists and management practices. This article is useful for managers of firms that understand that the creation of a working management system is heading about the fruitful results of the company and, as a rule, is the key to a prosperous future. The service is a product in the service, the quality of which depends on the manufacturer of this service. She satisfies the needs of persons who are ready to purchase it. Therefore, the specialist should pay a special interest to the style of customer service.

personnel motivation, ability to service, service, organization

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