Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Friedrich Nietzsche is fundamentally incomparable, the status of a supporter of a philosophy that placed his evolution, sharp mind and reflection on power and freedom as the most important. The real biography of the philosopher is full of controversial and very ambiguous facts. The genius of which was recognized by society and an excellent philosopher, a real “giant of thought” in the real world was a man of small stature, visually impaired, subject to constant headaches and many other diseases. Friedrich Nietzsche regularly faced ridiculous situations and on the other hand he did not look much like a great man who received worldwide fame

Life, Power, Superman, Being, Punishment

1. Tak govoril Zaratustra, Fridrih Nicshe. – zarubezhnaya klassika, 2009. – 322 s.

2. Fridrih Nicshe, sochineniya v 2-h tomah, tom 2, izdatel'stvo «Mysl'», Moskva 1990 – 503s.

3. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. V 13 tomah. Tom 1. Chast' 1 Rozhdenie tragedii. Iz naslediya 1869-1873 godov -270s.

4. Volya k vlasti. Opyt pereocenki vseh cennostey, 2013 – 311s.

5. Zlaya Mudrost'. Aforizmy i izrecheniya ,2009 – 347s.

6. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicshe,_Fridrihhttps://biographe.ru/uchenie/rene-dekart/

7. https://ru.citaty.net/avtory/fridrikh-

8. https://www.livelib.ru/author/180179/quotes-fridrih-nitsshe https://books.google.ru/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=kx__AgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA8&dq=rene+dekart&ots=bObSOJ1gJF&sig=

9. https://1gai.ru/publ/525679-66-aforizmov-nicshe-kotorye-zastavjat-vas-vzgljanut-na-zhizn-pod-novym-uglom.html

10. https://interesnyefakty.org/fridrih-niczshe/

11. https://filosoff.org

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