, Russian Federation
The efficiency of application of the developed method of preparation of wood filler (WF) from freshly cut hardwood for wood concrete for arbolite is shown, which makes it possible to obtain lightweight concrete with compressive strength exceeding the control compositions without WF treatment, after 3 days of hardening by 2-2.7 times, and after 28 days – 2-2.9 times. The treatment of wood filler with an aqueous solution of nanosilica sol leads to blocking the release of extractable substances from the WF due to the penetration of SiO2 particles 20-40 nm in size into the vascular system of wood particles. By filling the gaps between cells, nanoparticles prevent the release of extractables into the cement system and provide cement hydration as usual.
freshly cut hardwood, wood filler, arbolite, nanosilica sol, blocking extractables, compressive strength
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