Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern vehicles have a lubrication system. Oil purification in the lubrication system is performed by filters with various design features.

filtration, oil filter, car, lubrication system, oil purification, filter element, seal

1. GOST R 53844-2010 «Avtomobil'nye transportnye sredstva. Fil'try tonkoy ochistki masla avtomobil'nyh, traktornyh i kombaynovyh dvigateley. Tehnicheskie trebovaniya i metody ispytaniy».

2. Popov, D. A. K voprosu ob otkaze DVS, vyzvannogo provorachivaniem podshipnikov skol'zheniya / D. A. Popov, E. V. Snyatkov, S. V. Dorohin // Sovremennye avtomobil'nye materialy i tehnologii : sbornik statey VI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferencii, Kursk, 28 noyabrya 2014 goda / E.V. Ageev (otv. redaktor). – Kursk: Yugo-Zapadnyy gosu-darstvennyy universitet, 2014. – S. 200-204.

3. TR TS 018/2011 Tehnicheskiy reglament Tamozhennogo soyuza «O bezopasnosti kolesnyh transportnyh sredstv».

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