The object of the study was forest insects that live in the oak forests of Voronezh and the Voronezh region on the Quercus robur of early and late phenological forms. They belong to the order Hymenoptera, the suborder Apocrita, and the subfamily Cynipoidae. The analysis of the presence of various types of Cynipoidae and their association with a certain PHENOFORM in oak stands located directly in the city of Voronezh on Timiryazev and Moskovsky Prospekt streets, in the Shilovo and Zadonye microdistricts, as well as in the Semiluki nursery was carried out. Each type of Cynipoidae causes the formation of only its characteristic galls. Thanks to this, we were able to determine the presence of such types of Cynipoidae: Neuroterus numismalis, Cynips quercusfolii, Andricus inflator, Neuroterus quercusbaccarum. We have identified that the presence of these types of Cynipoidae differ in different oak stands of Voronezh region.
gall wasp, oak forests, biodiversity, phenological form
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