Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The study of the surface tension of wood of various tree species impregnated with used sunflower oil was carried out. Samples of birch, pine and linden wood were used for oil treatment. Impregnation of wood materials was carried out by the method of “hot-cold baths”. As an impregnating material, used refined fryer oil was used. In more detail, the paper examines the effect of an impregnating composition based on used fryer oil, with a filler and a desiccant on birch wood. Wood flour of coniferous wood species and a metal salt-based drier were used as a filler. The surface tension for all images was determined by the edge angle of wetting. For this purpose, the method of a liquid drop on the surface of a solid body was used. It was found that the impregnation of untreated wood with deep-frying oil leads to an increase in the surface tension on all samples, to a greater extent this is typical for pine wood. The introduction of a 1% siccative in the impregnating composition together with wood flour reduces the drying time and improves the water-repellent properties of birch wood.
impregnation, wood samples, used fryer oil, surface tension
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