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Abstract (English):
At present, due to the reduction of business wood stocks, the problem of using fast-growing soft hardwoods as industrial raw materials is of particular relevance. This wood has a number of disadvantages – low density, low strength indicators, which limit the scope of its application. It is possible to improve the quality of soft hardwood wood by pressing it (compacting). Compaction of wood has a great influence on the physical and mechanical properties of wood. The wide application of pressed wood is possible in the production of railway sleepers. Pressing wood significantly increases the performance properties of the sleeper beam. One of the advantages of wooden railway sleepers is their high damping properties. The presence of damping properties in wooden sleepers ensures high speed performance and a long service life of the rolling stock. In this connection, research that ensures the rational use of wood raw materials is relevant. The purpose of this study is to determine the nature of the change in the strength limit of pressed birch wood (Betula pendula) during local crumpling.

birch wood, pressed wood, local crumple strength, sleeper beam
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