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Abstract (English):
Currently, the issues of production and use of alternative energy sources are gaining more and more popularity. Such traditional energy sources as gas, oil, and coal are irreplaceable minerals, and therefore there is a need to search for alternative energy sources. One of which is biofuels. Wood waste from woodworking and sawmilling enterprises accumulates in huge quantities on production areas and is not used properly, but is mostly burned or disposed of in landfills. The removal of waste to landfills requires a lot of investment, since wood has a large volume mass. At the same time, in many European countries, such wood-based materials as fuel pellets, fuel briquettes, and euro-wood are known, and they are the substitutes for traditional types of energy. Compared to traditional energy sources, biofuels have a number of advantages. One of them is that when burning, the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere does not exceed the amount of emissions that would be formed by the natural

biofuels, wood waste, generation of alternative sources, pellets
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