Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Rational use of natural resources, and the involvement of wood waste generated in the logging and wood processing industry in the production of new products useful for society and the economy, is an urgent task of modern production. The use of wood flour of various fractions does not allow the most complete binding of the polymer to wood particles, since the cellulose polymer has a high polarity. This problem can be solved by soft contact thermal modification, as a result of which there is an increase in strength indicators and a decrease in the degree of water absorption. Thermomodification leads to a decrease in the hydroxyl groups of cellulose, which contributes to an increase in the binding with the polymer, its deeper penetration into the pores of the modified crushed wood particles. The paper presents a technology that allows to obtain composite paving stones from thermally modified flour, thermoplastic polymers with chemical additives and modifiers, continuous action.
wood particles, thermomodification, polymers, wood polymer composites, composite paving stones
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