Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
GRNTI 28.29 Системный анализ
OKSO 03.03.02 Прикладная математика и информатика
BBK 221 Математика
TBK 55 Энергетика. Промышленность
The article discusses the use of methods of semantic analysis and natural language processing to support research and forecasting the innovative development of the energy infrastructure of the Russian Federation. The existing methods and approaches to the organization of monitoring of technological solutions and innovative scientific developments are considered. To automate monitoring, the authors propose the use of natural language processing (NLP) methods. Semantic analysis and knowledge integration are based on a system of ontologies. The paper presents the main methods and approaches to building an infrastructure for processing open Big Data. Application of the proposed methods makes it possible to improve the quality of scientific research in this area and make them better.
scientific and technological forecasting, semantic analysis, natural language processing, Big data, scientific research support
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