Russian Federation
OKSO 01.04.02 Прикладная математика и информатика
As part of the domestic policy pursued in our country, state support for business contributes to the penetration of innovative activities into industrial enterprises. But, as practice shows, for an enterprise this is not a guarantee of increasing efficiency in the economic and social environment, despite the fact that the innovative projects being implemented have high potential. Often this is due to the fact that reengineering of business processes is not carried out or is not carried out effectively when introducing innovations. Innovations are superimposed on an unadopted and unprepared system of business processes, as a result of which a negative result is obtained. The reasons for the development of such events at the enterprise are the following aspects: an ambiguous understanding of the theoretical foundations of business process reengineering, innovation and innovation, and their features; the lack of an algorithm that allows efficient and effective reengineering of business processes when introducing innovations. In most organizations, as a rule, leaders use an intuitive approach when reengineering business processes and, as a result, this does not always end with success. Thus, there is a certain discrepancy between the need of economic agents for effective methods of reengineering business processes when introducing innovative technologies and an insufficient level of theoretical study of this issue. Also, issues of reengineering of business processes and issues of innovation, innovation in an unrelated context, separately relative to each other, are considered and studied.
Reengineering, business process
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