, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Wheeled vehicles belong to the most common type of transport and technological machines and are used in almost all sectors of the national economy: in urban and intrafactory transport, in construction, in the army, in agriculture, etc. Due to the fact that wheeled vehicles must correspond to the solution of the tasks that this or that industry poses for them, their structure and types are very diverse. Among them are wheeled vehicles designed to operate not only on roads with asphalt-concrete pavement, but also on deformable soil surfaces. These include, in particular, machines used in road construction, in municipal services - wheeled tractors, wheeled earth-moving machines, general transport vehicles used for the transportation of various types of bulk cargo, and specialized, designed to perform narrow target functions. The performance indicators of wheeled vehicles are largely determined by the interaction of their wheels with the supporting surface, which has led to the implementation of a large number of studies in this area. The rolling of a wheel on a rigid surface has been studied in sufficient detail and is presented in a large number of works. At the same time, issues related to wheel rolling on deformable soil have not been sufficiently worked out, there are many uncertainties and inaccuracies. This applies, in particular, to the case of wheel rolling on the ground with a pull, when the plane of rotation of the wheel is deflected by a certain angle from the vector of the wheel axis velocity, which leads to the appearance of an additional lateral force acting on the tire sidewall and the corresponding moment of resistance to turning. When a wheel with a pneumatic high-pressure tire rolls, the wheel rolls on the ground, almost without changing its cylindrical shape, i.e. practically without deformation. This greatly simplifies the calculations associated with the analysis of the operation of wheeled vehicles. In this article, when considering the rolling of a wheel with withdrawal on deformable soil, the dependences were used to determine the longitudinal and transverse tangential stresses in contact, obtained for the case of wheel rolling on a solid foundation; determined the lateral force acting on the tire sidewall, and the corresponding moment of resistance to turning.
contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements
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