, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Toothed-lever and cam-toothed-lever mechanisms are widely used in technological equipment of automatic and semi-automatic action to convert the one-way rotational motion of the input link into one-way rotary motion of the output link with periodic stops. To ensure periodic rotation with a precise fixed length, an elastic element with a preload of two-sided action is introduced into the mechanism, as a result of which the mechanism has a variable structure. Compared to other mechanisms of periodic rotation, in gear-link mechanisms there is a wide possibility of influencing the function of the position of the output link, the angle of reverse rotation and the relative displacements of the links connected to each other by an elastic element by changing the lengths of the links of the basic hinged four-link
contact mechanics of engineering surfaces, friction and wear of interfaces, tribotechnical materials science, mechanics and control processes, kinematics, dynamics, strength and reliability of machines and structural elements
1. Balabina, T.A. Vliyanie uprugogo elementa na dvizhenie vedomogo zvena kulachkovo-zubchato-rychazhnogo mehanizma / T.A. Balabina, A.N. Mamaev, A.N. Sobolev // Vestnik MGTU Stankin. - 2017 - № 1 (40).- S. 43-47.
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3. Mamaev, A.N. Osnovy teorii mehanizmov / A.N. Mamaev, T.A. Balabina // M.: Izdatel'stvo OOO "Kompaniya del'ta M". - 2015. - S.166.
4. Balabina, T.A. Stend dlya issledovaniya kolebaniy v kulachkovo-zubchato-rychazhnom mehanizme s tochnym vystoem vyhodnogo zvena / T.A. Balabina, A.N. Mamaev, I.V. Odinokova // Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI) - 2019 - № 3 (58). - S. 38-43.