Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
BISAC SCI010000 Biotechnology
The paper considers a spectral analysis based on Fourier transform of the time series in the temperature fluctuations in the bodies of common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and rats (mature Wistar males). The spectra of the periods in the starlings and rats contain the same sets of harmonics, so on this basis we can tell about a common spectrum. Interesting to note that the spectrum coincides with a previously revealed spectrum of the periods, obtained with the use of local fractal analysis by the all permutations method in the course of studies of time series of the alpha decay rate fluctuations. Despite different methods of the experimental data processing used in this work (spectral analysis based on Fourier transform and local fractal analysis by the all permutations method), as well as different raw experimental data (the temperature fluctuations and alpha-decay rate fluctuations), the same spectrum of periods was obtained. On this basis, we can consider the spectrum of periods as universal one.
starlings; rats; temperature fluctuations; universal spectrum, alfa-decay; local fractal analysis; all permutations method
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