Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
BISAC MAT034000 Mathematical Analysis
In the framework of the concept of neoconflictology, the possibilities and methods of mathematical modelling of conflict dynamics under uncertainty are considered. Complex contradictory situations, when it is necessary to quickly respond to changes in the situation and perform some actions in conditions of uncertainty, are often found in different spheres of activity. In this case, the uncertainty may be due to incomplete knowledge of the situation, the inability to quickly understand and evaluate possible options for its development, the influence on it from other participants in the process, etc. The result of further developments depends on how the decision will be to the situation and what actions will follow on its basis. Usually, the effectiveness of behavior in difficult situations is determined by the level of special training and experience of the decision maker. The trend of using artificial intelligence systems to support decision-making, including complex conflict situations with a high level of uncertainty, is now more frequent. Focusing on the use of such systems requires the creation and improvement of specialized tools and technologies, thanks to which the artificial intelligence systems themselves can form an information base, which is a necessary factor for developing rational solutions in a complex environment. The creation of a virtual polygons is one of the ways for producing such information base.
neoconflictology, conflict, training polygon, intelligent agent, Artificial intelligence, modelling
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