Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
BISAC COM053000 Security / General
The main trend relating to state structures and large corporations is to build Information Security Monitoring Centers the key elements of which being SIEM-systems and SOC-Centers. Speaking about SOC-Centers the task of human resources optimal allocation among information security incident reporting lines taking into consideration staff competency and line capacity seems to be urgent. This task is solved in the article given. In general, the formulation of the task presented means the functioning of SOC-Center as a new mathematical model making use of “input – resources – output” terms. The target function of SOC-Center is built in an assumption of stationarity and independency of service reporting lines as a sum of their target functions. The main idea of human resources management in this case is the aspiration to achieve maximum significance of SOC-Center system aim, i.e. its general target function when organizing the fight with computer attacks. The problem was solved by Lagrange multiplier method. The expressions for optimal allocation of human resources on SOC-center service lines leading to maximum processing of message flow related to computer attacks have been received. The conclusion about this model being useful for transferring from stationary flows to their dynamic changes in SOC-Center resource provision including new different critical situations in computer system has been made.
SOC-center, modeling, computer attack, human resources, optimal allocation
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