Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of research conducted by the authors on gray forest soils in Kaluga region. Shows the energy efficiency of cultivation of perennial and annual fodder crops are calculated based on actual energy consumption and release of metabolic energy yield. The data on the effect of perennial grasses on the content of humus and the change in the acidity of the soil. The scheme to study the efficiency of common crops of different varieties of red clover, lucerne and festulolium changeable, it provides a brief description of the studied cultures. Shows data on yield of green mass, harvesting of 1 hectare of dry matter, metabolizable energy and crude protein according to variants of experience. On the basis of obtained results the conclusion about the feasibility of using the studied mixtures to increase the energy and protein value of feeds, ensuring the most efficient use of nonrenewable energy, conservation and improvement of soil fertility, sustainability of agro ecosystems.

grass mixture, metabolic energy, crude protein, energy efficiency ratio, sugar and protein balance, humus, soil acidity

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