Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research was carried out in the field at the Central experimental base of the Federal Williams Research Center. The object of research was 13 samples of timothy-grass. Samples were sown according to the scheme of a standard collection nursery. All studies and observations were carried out on the herbage of the 2nd and 3rd year of life. Statistical processing of the research results indicates a low level of variation. The sample № 414 stood out high content of raw protein and raw fat. Two significant correlations were found (between the content of phosphorus and potassium, as well as between crude fiber and crude ash). Analysis of remoteness and kinship between samples showed the presence of 5 clusters (genetically different quality groups), which can be used for breeding for combinational ability and fixing of breeding-valuable features and properties.

fodder plants, timothy-grass, collection, variation of characteristics, correlations, cluster analysis

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