from 01.01.2019 until now , Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.55 Земельное право
OKSO 40.04.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
TBK 75 Право. Юридические науки
BISAC LAW055000 Land Use
Russia is a resource-rich country, and great changes are being made today in order that land and its resources are used for the benefit of any citizen of our state. Under the circumstances government supervision (control) over the optimal use of territories gets the essential role. The rights that are contained in land reform give owners, landowners, land users, and employers extensive powers concerning independent land management.
land, property, owners, land, transaction
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3. Kozyr' O.M. Osobennost' regulirovaniya sdelok s zemley zemel'nym zakonodatel'stvom // Ekologicheskoe pravo. 2003. № 4.
4. Piskunova M. Kadastr — vsemu golova // Biznes-advokat. 2003. № 24.
5. Civilisticheskie zapiski. Vyp. 4. — M., 2005. — S. 385–386.
6. Chubarov V.V. Problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya nedvizhimosti. — M., 2006.
7. Engel'man I.E. O davnosti po russkomu grazhdanskomu pravu. — M., 2003.