Doneck, Ukraine
GRNTI 55.13 Технология машиностроения
The paper presents information about the development of the Donetsk scientific school of engineering technologists and shows its structure. Data on the main scientific directions of research of scientists and specialists of this scientific school are given.
scientific school, mechanical engineering technology, research areas, main results, proposals
1. Mikhailov, A. N. XXV international scientific and technical conference "mechanical engineering and technosphere of the XXI century", a quarter-century tradition. / Mechanical engineering and technosphere of the XXI century. Proceedings of the XXV international scientific and technical conference in Sevastopol, September 10-16, 2018, In 2 volumes. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2018. - Vol. 1. - Pp. 272-291.
2. Mikhailov, A. N. international Union of machine builders-consolidating basis of machine builders in the global world / / proceedings Of the international scientific and technical conference in Sevastopol, September 9-15, 2002: machine building and technosphere of the XXI century. In 3 volumes. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2002. - Vol. 2. - Pp. 127-139.
3. Mikhailov, A. N. Regularities of the evolutionary process of development of mechanical engineering technologies / / Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering: SB. nauchn. articles'. - Donetsk: DonGTU, 1995. - Vol. 2. - Pp. 32-49.
4. Mikhailov, A. N. Fundamentals of design and automation of production processes based on continuous operation technologies. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2006. – 421 p.
5. Mikhailov, A. N. Fundamentals of synthesis of functional-oriented engineering technologies. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2009. – 346 p.